இந்த Plant உங்கள் மொழியில் இல்லை, இதில் பார்க்கவும்: English (en),
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Gigantochloa sp.



From Bamboos of Thailand, Native and Introduced Species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) — An Annotated Compilation, by D. Ohrnberger (Khun Dieter – คุณดีเท่อร์)

Habit tight caespitose; clump to about 9 m tall, with 13 m long culms, or a little longer, arching in a narrow bow down to the ground. Rhizome pachymorph. Culms erect and unbranched below. Young shoots emerge late, from June to September. Culm-internodes 22–30 (33) cm long, mid-green, with light green and cream narrow stripes of various widths, distally with scattered short rigid pale or dark hairs, rough when old; diameter to 3.5 (3.8)  cm; thick-walled. Culm-nodes not prominent. Branches several, the central one dominant, with 2 subdominant side branches, and few to several smaller branches; branching intravaginal. Culm-leaves persistent on the lower culm, deciduous on the upper, branched culm. Culm-leaf sheath leathery, parabolic, 9–13 cm wide at the base, 11–17 cm long, about half the length of the internode or a little shorter, light green when young, straw-colored when dry, with mid-brown hairs becoming dark; margins eciliate(?), entire when old; apex horizontally truncate or slightly convex, 1.5–3 cm broad. Culm-leaf auricles rim-like, about 1 mm high or lower, entire; bristles none. Culm-leaf ligule low, ca. 1–2 mm high, with about 5 mm long erect pale persistent bristles. Culm-leaf blade reflexed, early or late caducous, narrow long-triangular, about half as long as the sheath, hairy adaxially at the connection with the sheath when young. Foliage-leaves (5) 7–9 (13) per branchlet. Foliage-leaf sheath initially hispid, light green with the apex reddish when young, yellowish and glabrous when old; margins eciliate(?). Foliage-leaf auricles conspicuous, entire, rarely with a few whitish bristles. Foliage-leaf ligule short, entire. Foliage-leaf blades papery, (7) 10–18 (28) × (1.0) 1.3–1.7 (3.0) cm, mid-green, glabrous on both surfaces; margins antrorsely scabrous; base cuneate; apex acuminate to attenuate; midrib proximally prominent; pseudopetiole 1–3 mm long, light green, glabrous. Flowers and seeds are unknown.



THAILAND (South): Krabi Province.



Plants have potential as garden ornamentals and for landscaping.



Easy growing; in full sun, on heavy soil, moist soil preferred, though quite drought-resistant.  The species could prove to be salt tolerant, as it grows in former mangrove habitats.



Bibliography of Bamboos of Thailand

Common Names

  • ஆங்கிலம்
    • Krabi