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A plant pathologist or a student taking plant pathology is often asked by friends or associates the following questions. What is wrong with my plant; followed by, what can I do to get rid of the problem? It may be too late to help the specific plant when the question is asked, but proper diagnosis may be extremely important in preventing the problem on other plants or in preventing the problem in the future.

--- American Phytopathological Society​​

  1. Abstract, There are various ways in which plant nutrient supply or concentration affects plant diseases and pests. The supply of nutrients changes the resistance of plants to pathogens and pests by altering growth and tissue composition (e.g., concentration of soluble compounds or defence...
  2. Adusei, Stephen,Azupio, Samuel,2022/11/17,Neem: A Novel Biocide for Pest and Disease Control of Plants,2022,10.1155/2022/6778554,Journal of Chemistry Plant extracts have recently captivated scientists’ attention as a potential source of biocide for plant protection. This is due to the health and...
  3. Abstract, Compost Science and Utilization, 2002 An increasing body of experimental evidence indicates that plant disease can be suppressed by treating plant surfaces with a variety of water-based compost preparations, referred to in the literature as watery fermented compost extracts or compost...
  4. A plant pathologist or a student taking plant pathology is often asked by friends or associates the following questions. What is wrong with my plant; followed by, what can I do to get rid of the problem? It may be too late to help the specific plant when the question is asked, but proper...
  5. 28-01-2015 Introducing trichoderma, a biocontrol, how it is used, and how to produce it.
  6. Abstract, ResearchGate, 2017 Plant diseases cause substantial losses in yield of plants, leading to huge economic losses. Accurate identification and diagnosis of plant diseases are very important in the era of climate change and globalization for food security as well as prevention of the spread...
  7. Abstract,Acta Hortic. 1207, 2018 Biochar (the solid, carbon-rich co-product of biomass pyrolysis), in addition to carbon sequestration, soil amelioration and improvement of plant performance, can significantly reduce the severity of foliar and soil-borne diseases in various crops. Nevertheless,...
  8. Beginning master gardeners can be intimidated by the daunting task of correctly diagnosing the cause of a client's plant health problem. However, with experience and the development of a systematic approach to diagnosis, master gardeners will become confident and successful plant problem...
  9. In the preceding section on identifying plant health problems (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG441), we explained how to first identify problems related to environmental factors or caused by insects. In this section, we will concentrate on diagnosing plant diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms,...
  10. 19-01-1994 If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutionsat –info@foodplantsolutions.org Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated –info@foodplantsolutions.org Return to the Publications List
  11. Seminar Nasional Agroteknologi 2022 Volume 2023 http://dx.doi.org/10.11594/nstp.2023.3114 Purple spot disease is one of the main diseases in leaf onion cultivation. One form of control is carried out by utilizing neem plants, especially the neem leaves which have the potential as vegetable...
  12. Sunflower,Helianthus annuus, is an herbaceous annual plant in the family Asteraceae, grown for its seeds. The plant has a thick, hairy, erect stem which gives rise to a large flower head. The plant has large, broad lower leaves which are oval and arranged alternately on the stem and smaller,...
  13. Access Agriculture Training Video The cassava mosaic virus disease is an important cassava disease which causes low yields. It can be recognised on the cassava leaves which have spots ranging from light green to yellow. The disease is given to the plant by the whitefly. This disease cannot be...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video False smut fungus causes chalkiness of rice grains, and negatively affects milling, cooking and eating. By applying a range of agroecological practices, you can avoid disease infestation in your rice crop. Available languages English French Tamil
  15. Access Agriculture Training Video Most farmers confuse black rot disease with downey mildew. Whereas mildew starts as purplish irregular spots on the leaves, black rot starts as small, yellow-brown, V-shaped areas at the leaf margins. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja...
  16. Access Agriculture Training Video Late blight is caused by moulds that survive in the soil and in residues of crops that had the disease. As the disease spreads very fast, inspect your field every day. If you see sick plants, cut of the sick parts of the plant and burn the affected parts. Never...
  17. Access Agriculture Training Video Rust diseases spread through wind and can rapidly develop in cool, wet weather. To know if your crop has rust disease, rub over the infected plant part to see if a yellow, brown or black powder sticks to your fingers. By combining organic methods, you will be...
  18. Abstract, International Clinical Pathology Journal, 2017 SK Thind, Punjab Agricultural University, India India is the second largest producer of fruits in the world, contributing 10% of the total production. But, the total production is quite below (45.496million tons from 37.96million hectares)...
  19. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in India show how the disease first appears in the leaf tip. Finally, the plant dries up. Non-chemical methods can be used to control this disease. Available languages Bambara Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula English French Hindi Marathi Mooré Tamil
  20. Bayer Crop Science, January 30, 2023 Key Points Different diseases may have similar symptoms, particularly during the early stages of disease development. It is not uncommon for a corn plant to have several different diseases present at the same time. Multiple diseases present on a corn plant can...
  21. Abstract,University of Tehran, 2017 Nowadays, hundreds of plant clinics are available for smallholder farmers especially in developing and less-developed countries in order to improve the yield and quality of agricultural products. Several investigations have been carried out to study the role of...
  22. 20-01-2012 This bulletin provides information on the causal agents, distribution, economic imporance, symptons, epidemiology, and management of major diseases of pigeonpea. The test is supplemented with color photographs of disease symptoms and a diagnostic key is included to facilitate identification....

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