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Improved annual cropping systems include the following practices: crop rotations, green manures, and cover crops; mulching, reduced bare fallows, and reduced tillage; the System of Rice Intensification (Fig. 2) and improved rice paddy management; nutrient management; and organic production. These can sequester low but significant amounts of carbon, typically 2 tons per hectare per year or less (Seeberg-Elverfeldt and Tapio-Bistrom 2012). Organic systems range from 0.7-2.3 t/ha/yr (Seebert-Elverfeldt and Tapio-Bistrom 2012; Hepperly et al. 2009). Conservation agriculture is estimated to sequester 0.1-1 t/ha/yr (Lal 2014). Improved annual cropping systems have many advantages: they allow us to keep the crops we know and love; they don’t require big changes in production, harvesting, or processing machinery; and they can be implemented at a wide scale on the world’s vast annual croplands. 

Carbon Farming: Building Soils and Stabilizing the Climate


  1. Key Resource 23-07-2015 Climate change will have a huge impact on the world’s poorest people. Crop yields have already gone down in the tropics and are projected to drop by 15-30% by 2080 in Africa, South Asia, and Central America (Hoffman 2013). Some countries could reach a 50% loss of agricultural productivity; in...
  2. 20-11-2019 Feed the Future - Presented at the 2019 EIAC • Soil carbon sequestration is a sustainable solution to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions • Carbon sequestered in the soil has a positive impact on soil health while helping to combat global warming. Soils rich in organic carbon are more productive...
  3. 01-04-2011 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #9 Rick Burnette wrote an article for Issue 6 (July 2010) of ECHO Asia Notes, titled "Charcoal Production in 200-Liter Horizontal Drum Kilns." My article takes the charring process a step further by exploring the rapidly re-emerging world of biochar. Biochar is...
  4. Biochar research, although still in its infancy, has generated much interest as a soil amendment due to its potential for increased soil fertility, water holding capacity, greenhouse gas reduction and carbon sequestration. The relatively low entry barrier to biochar manufacturing has resulted in...
  5. Deep litter systems are living systems in which a thick layer of carbon-rich organic matter hosts a thriving microbial community which works to break down solid and liquid wastes from animals as they are produced. Such as system doesn't require regular cleaning out, and has the added benefit of...
  6. 18-11-2014 Climate change will have its worst effects on the world’s poorest people. Perennial crops and agroforestry systems can help reduce the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon, while also helping to address social and environmental challenges through restoration of degraded land,...
  7. ABSTRACT, FFTC In Japan charcoal has been used for a long time as environmental improver, soil improver in a firm, water purification material and odor adsorbent. It was reported that biochar has proliferation effect of symbiosis microorganisms such as root nodule bacteria and mycorrhiza in farm...
  8. Slash and burn farming is rapidly destroying the world’s remaining rainforests and sending vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Yet for more than 250 million farmers across the world, it is the only way they can survive. Through implementing Inga Alley Cropping – the sustainable...
  9. Key Resource 01-01-2016 The 2015 Paris Climate Summit attempted to define specific actions related to the sequestration of atmospheric carbon, which continues to reach ever greater concentrations (currently over 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide). To curb climate change, 350 parts per million or less is regarded...
  10. The research of the World Agroforestry Centre works towards more productive, diversified, integrated and intensified trees and agroforestry systems that provide livelihood and environmental benefits, including: Enriching the asset base of poor households through farm-grown trees. Maximizing the...
  11. Eric Toensmeier is a lecturer at Yale University and a senior researcher with the climate change-focused nonprofit Project Drawdown. He is the author of “The Carbon Farming Solution.” Silvopasture systems combine trees, livestock (ruminants like cattle, sheep and goats) and grazing. Ranchers and...
  12. Weeds are important biotic constraint to food production. Weeds compete with crops for the same resources, basically water, nutrients, light and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, they are alternate hosts for crop pests and pathogens. Moreover, some of them lack autotrophy and fully develop only by...
  13. Session:This presentation by Carbon Tanzania looks at valuing ecosystem services in Tanzania, how this is done by measuring carbon content, understanding land use change and how Carbon Tanzania links these landscapes to the carbon markets, providing significant income to communities in the Yaeda...
  14. 23-05-2014 Grass, Soil, Hopetackles an increasingly crucial question: What can we do about the seemingly intractable challenges confronting all of humanity today, including climate change, global hunger, water scarcity, environmental stress, and economic instability? The answer involves carbon. It's the...
  15. Throughout the world, USAID supports land use/ land management activities that have direct, significant and positive impacts on the climate. USAID’s Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) programs help mitigate climate change in 119 countries by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide from...
  16. 20-07-2007 Bio-Intensive Agriculture (BIA) is a kind of organic farming rooted in maintaining soil fertility/ living soil. BIA is called Bio-Intensive because it maintains a natural biological balance between soil, nutrients and plants. It employs crop rotation and intensive planting to maximize harvest...
  17. 01-10-2019 This two part session will give an overview of what regenerative agriculture is, using case studies of the potential for regenerative agriculture to heal ecosystems and sequester carbon, while producing food. A quickly growing movement in both the Global North and the Global South, regenerative...
  18. Eric Toensmeier is the award-winning author of Paradise Lot and Perennial Vegetables, and the co-author of Edible forest Gardens. He is an appointed lecturer at Yale University and an international trainer presenting in English and Spanish in the US, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, and the Caribbean....
  19. Abstract, Nature Communications, 2019 Increasing the potential of soil to store carbon (C) is an acknowledged and emphasized strategy for capturing atmospheric CO2. Well-recognized approaches for soil C accretion include reducing soil disturbance, increasing plant biomass inputs, and enhancing...
  20. Abstract, Academic Journals, 2018 This paper reviews the impact of soil and water conservation (SWC) measures on crop yield, soil properties, water resources and carbon sequestration. Land degradation due to soil erosion in Ethiopia is too severe which affects the livelihood of a community and...
  21. 31-10-2019 This is a handbook for growing a Climate Victory Garden when the enemy is global warming. Acadia Tucker, a carbon farmer and gardener, invites us to think of gardening as civic action. By building carbon-rich soil, even in a backyard-sized patch, we can capture greenhouse gases and mitigate...
  22. Abstract,Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015 Dryland areas cover about 41% of the Earth’s surface and sustain over 2 billion inhabitants. Soil carbon (C) in dryland areas is of crucial importance to maintain soil quality and productivity and a range of ecosystem services. Soil...
  23. Machmuller, M., Kramer, M., Cyle, T.et al.Emerging land use practices rapidly increase soil organic matter.Nat Commun6,6995 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms7995 Abstract The loss of organic matter from agricultural lands constrains our ability to sustainably feed a growing population and...

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