01-01-1984 This publication will serve as a useful source of information and comparison and that it will help to further improve forest worker training, to adapt it to the requirements of technological region for the benefit of governments, employers and workers.
A text composed of factual outlines, this teaching guide is designed in a simplified manner to help you interpret the organic method of gardening. The basic units are presented as chapters in outline form.
01-11-1985 This manual was compiled during a seven-month stay as veterinary consultants for Heifer Project International in Northern Thailand. It was intended to serve as an adjunct to a parveterinary training program we were conductingunder their sponsorship. Used as a reference guide, the manual was to be...
This comprehensive catalogue has been compiled in response to the need for greater access to training and extension materials in tropical and subtropical regions. Drawn from sources worldwide, the catalogue is designed to assist all those working in crop protection to develop and implenet...
Learning the Principles of Plant Pathology is intended for students eager to learn the basic priciples of phytopathology. The text is divided into 16 units. Each unit is complete in itself but is closely related to adjacent units so that a unit may blend with the one before it and with the...
Key Resource01-05-1993 This guide for carpentry instructors includes detailed plans for practical demonstrations, and important theoretical aspects of the craft. The tools include planes, clamps, workbench and vice. There is also a section on basic blacksmithing techniques.
01-01-1988 This study attempts to make suggestions on the practical implementation, management and utilisation on agroforestry-systems for school and college farms.
01-01-2001 Agroforestry combines or integrates trees and/or shrubs with other crops and/or animals in a farming system. The trees or shrubs may be grown either at the same time as the crops or in rotation with the crops. This book includes examples of both methods.