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Schizostachyum funghomii



From Bamboos of Thailand, Native and Introduced Species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) — An Annotated Compilation, by D. Ohrnberger (Khun Dieter – คุณดีเท่อร์)

Habit tight caespitose. Rhizome pachymorph, short. Culms straight, erect, bending outwards and widely arching, ca. 10 m long. Young shoots conical, sheaths green, turning yellowish from the margins; culm-leaf blades spreading to reflexed, green, not flat, rolled in sideways, and often longitudinally wrinkled, the blade base noticeably thick plumose; emerge from April to September. Culm-internodes terete, 60–92 cm long, almost dull blackish when young, turning into dull dark green with age, scabrous, covered with persistent soft whitish appressed fuzz (can be easily wiped off), not white powdery, easily splitting; diameter to 4.3 cm; walls thin to very thin, wall width 1 mm by 3 cm in diameter on the lower culm. Culm-nodes glabrous, smooth, not prominent; nodal line horizontal; sheath scar narrow, marginally or not protruding; supranodal line obscure, without a ridge; with a white persistent ring below the nodal line, the ring 7–10 mm high; aerial roots none. Branch-buds solitary, subrotund; apex cordately notched; present from the basal node up (or the first or the first two basal nodes without buds). Branches many, subequal, slender, short, ca. 1.5 m long, usually shorter, arching; unbranched on the basal and lower culm; branching intravaginal; rebranching. Culm-leaves deciduous on branched nodes of the mid-culm and upper culm, tardily deciduous or persistent on the unbranched lower culm. Culm-leaf sheaths broad parabolic, ca. 17 cm wide at the base, ca. 17 cm long, much shorter than the internode, usually one quarter to one-sixth of the internode length; thickly papery, rigid, light green to yellowish-green when fresh, whitish to yellowish straw-colored when dry, with an occasional orange tint when drying, light to medium straw-colored with dark gray patches when old; rough, scattered with short stiff rigid whitish, more or less long-persistent hairs, not white powdery; apex horizontally truncate or slightly concave; margins with deciduous 1 mm short pale ciliae, the overlapping margin densely ciliate, the overlapped margin sparsely ciliate or eciliate; basal margin initially with a dense ring of pale downwards directed, early caducous hairs. Culm-leaf auricles low erect rims, constantly ca. 1 mm tall, adnate to the margins of the blade base and extending along the whole sheath apex, dark green to blackish when young; margins with many 5–10 mm long erect, slightly undulated, pale to brownish bristles. Culm-leaf ligule ca. 1–1.5 mm high, irregularly denticulate, eciliate. Culm-leaf blades rigid, leathery, persistent, reflexed to strongly reflexed, linear-lanceolate, about half length compared to the sheath length on the lower culm, as long as the sheath length on the mid-culm, and one-fourth or shorter on the basal culm; width of the junction with the sheath ca. 1/3 of the sheath apex width; initially medium green, changing to dark green or blackish green while still young, straw-colored when dry; adaxially densely and thickly brownish villous or plumose near the base, abaxially glabrous; apex long pointed; margins eciliate, incurved from the beginning when fresh and when dry. Foliage-leaves (8) 9 (10) per branchlet. Foliage-leaf sheaths keeled on the back, medium green, glabrous or pale hispidulous; margins ciliolate or eciliate; apex truncate. Foliage-leaf auricles inconspicuous low and long rims, green, the margins with several early caducous erect pale bristles to ca. 5 mm long. Foliage-leaf ligule inconspicuous, low; margin subentire, cleft and denticulate; outer ligule an inconspicuous glabrous callus or membrane. Foliage-leaf blades lanceolate, (16 ) 20–34 (37 ) × 3–6 (6.5) cm; glabrous above, puberulent beneath when young, almost glabrous when old; medium green above, somewhat bluish-green beneath; base rounded to wedge-shaped; apex attenuate; margins antrorsely scabrous; midrib distinct, proximally prominent and yellowish beneath; pseudopetiole ca. 3–5 mm long, adaxially puberulent, abaxially glabrous. Flowers not seen, seeds known.

Synonym: Schizostachyum subvexorum Q. H. Dai & D. Y. Huang, J. Bamboo Res. 16 (3), 1997: 27.


THAILAND, introduced in 2011–2012, in cultivation. — CHINA (South): Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, native. — VIETNAM (North), borderland areas with China.



Culms for making paper pulp, split culms for weaving (basketry, mats); plants as garden ornamentals, and for landscaping. Plants are very attractive for gardens and landscaping. Young shoots are edible but slightly bitter in taste.




Easy and fast-growing; in part shade to full sun, sandy loam to clay loam, normal moisture-retentive to moist with good drainage. Can tolerate temporary flooding.



Bibliography of Bamboos of Thailand

Common Names

  • థాయ్
    • ไผ่เฮียะฝุงฮอม (phai hia fung hom)
  • చైనీస్
    • 沙罗单竹 (shā luō dān zhú)
    • 大薄竹 (dà bo zhú)