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సెప్టెంబరు 11, 2023 08:00 - సెప్టెంబరు 15, 2023 17:00
ECHO Global Farm, USA
Presented By: ECHO
Registration CLOSED
Register Before:

సెప్టెంబరు 01, 2023 15:32

Event Contact:

Study Coordinator (

Phone: Phone: 239-567-3329

What is offered:

This course is a deeper dive into sustainable agriculture options for smallholder farmers in the tropics. We will be taking a big-picture view as we look at agroecosystems as a whole. We will then dive deeper into systems function and design as we discuss the following four types of tropical agroecosystems:

  • Conservation Agriculture
  • Sloping Agricultural Land Technology
  • Agroforestry
  • System of Rice Intensification

Course participants will get hands-on experience managing these systems on the ECHO Global Demonstration and Research Farm. 

Language: This course is offered in English

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