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Dendrocalamus khoonmengii



From Bamboos of Thailand, Native and Introduced Species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) — An Annotated Compilation, by D. Ohrnberger (Khun Dieter – คุณดีเท่อร์)

Habit caespitose, a moderately tight clump. Rhizome pachymorph. Culms up to 18 m long or a little longer, erect below, bending and leaning above (→ table with culm size dimensions). Young shoots reddish, farinose, sparsely hairy; emerge from March to August/September. Culm-internodes thickly covered with a white mealy deposit when young, long-lasting, appearing bluish, green, and smooth when old, 28–46 cm long, diameter 2.5–3.2 cm on the basal and lower culm, slightly thicker on the mid-culm (from a height of about 2 m), thin-walled to moderately thick-walled only on the lower mid-culm, walls become relatively thicker and finally solid towards both the base and apex. Culm-nodes not or slightly prominent; sheath scar a somewhat corky ring, blackish when young. Branch-buds solitary, from the basal nodes up. Branches on the lower culm (for about 5 m) usually none, with 1–2 dominant elongating branches on the mid-culm and upper culm, with additional 2–3 thin subequal branches on the upper culm; branching intravaginal. Culm-leaves early deciduous. Culm-leaf sheaths about 1/2–3/4 as long as the internode, farinose and light green when young, straw-colored when dry, scattered with short dark hairs; margins short pale to dark ciliate; apex horizontally or concavely truncate. Culm-leaf auricles conspicuous sickle-shaped protruding lobes, blackish when young, margins with long straight or slightly waved pale bristles. Culm-leaf ligule short, blackish when young, denticulate, tapering into short straight pale bristles, edges with a few long straight pale bristles. Culm-leaf blades patent to reflexed, green when young. Foliage-leaves (5–) 7 (–13) per branchlet. Foliage-leaf sheaths minutely hairy when young, glabrous when old. Foliage-leaf auricles inconspicuous or lacking, without bristles. Foliage-leaf ligule inconspicuous, short, subentire. Foliage-leaf blades linear-lanceolate, 6–13 (18) × 0.7–1.0 (1.4) cm, glabrous above, pubescent(?) beneath when young, glabrous when old; base rounded to wedge-shaped; margins antrorsely scabrous; apex long-acuminate; pseudopetiole 0.5–1 mm. Flowers and seeds are unknown.



THAILAND (South): Nakhon Si Thammarat Province: Khao Luang National Park, on steep slopes by the river, at 100 m altitude.


Common Names

  • థాయ్
    • ไผ่กระโรม (phai kra rom)
    • ไผ่ปูนผาตากผ้า (phai pun pha tak pha)