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  1. 21-11-2019 Emily Kinzer Covenant College, Care of Creation Kenya Research conducted by Care of Creation Kenya (CCK) among women in Kijabe, Kenya concluded that using inefficient and open cookstoves resulted in adverse health effects for the entire family, safety hazards while cooking in the kitchen and...

  2. 13-11-2024 by Matt Lollar, UF/IFAS Extension Petiole sap testing is an educational tool andservice provided by the University of Florida/IFASExtension. By using portable meters, extensionagents provide vegetable farmers with informationon the current nitrogen and potassium nutrientstatus of their crop,...

  3. Add greens to foods for healthier meals!
  4. Test

  5. The Foods from the Rainbow poster promotes eating foods from ALL color groups. It shows through symbols, the micronutrients that each color contributes such as Protein, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, and Antioxidants. This educational tool has been used by health promoters to teach about...

  6. 20-01-2019 Given the proper facilities necessary to store seeds long-term, whereby low temperature and low humidity are kept stable over time, it is very possible to store most orthodox seeds for several years at a time in the tropics (Harrington, 1972). Unfortunately, implementation and maintenance of the...

  7. 20-01-2019 The integration of livestock on a smallholder farm is key to its productivity. Livestock play a unique role on the farm, transforming plant materials and other waste products into important sources of protein, either for consumption on the farm, or for sale beyond it. Pigs are one of the most...

  8. 20-11-2019 Feed the Future - Presented at the 2019 EIAC • Soil carbon sequestration is a sustainable solution to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions • Carbon sequestered in the soil has a positive impact on soil health while helping to combat global warming. Soils rich in organic carbon are more productive...

  9. 20-11-2019 Joshua Spitaleri, Taya Brown, & Adam Cobb - Presented at the 2019 EIAC Smallholder coffee farmers struggle with several key challenges in growing, harvesting, processing, and moving their products to market. Promising strategies and potential interventions were identified via focus group...

  10. 20-11-2019 Noah Elhardt - Beersheba Project, Senegal The modern poultry industry has made huge strides in the efficiency and productivity of chicken operations, with hybrid broiler chickens reaching 2.26 kg (5lbs) in as little as 5 weeks. To achieve this, genetics, temperature, humidity, light, biosecurity,...

  11. 20-11-2018 Grain sorghum(Sorghum bicolor)and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)are both globally important warm-season,annual cereal grain crops.Small-scale farmers who grow these grains can belimited by access to fertilizers and human labor. Agricultural low input systems use few commercial inputs,...

  12. 20-11-2018 INTERIOR: How does farming expand a spiritual leader’s understanding of self, faith and vocation? EXTERIOR: How does farming expand a spiritual leader’s understanding of creation, people and culture?

  13. 20-11-2018 Root-knot nematodes invade crop roots, form galls, and steal plant nutrients causing 125 billion dollars of crop loss worldwide (Ara and Hossain, 2011). Biological control methods such as compost, yard waste, and organic fertilizers can release nematicidal compounds as they decompose (McSorley,...

  14. 20-11-2018 Natural farming techniques have been heavily promoted in ECHO’s Asia network. The aim of these techniques is to reduce reliance on chemical inputs by enriching soils with beneficial microorganisms. Soil microbes break down organic matter, releasing nutrients for uptake by crop roots. They also...

  15. The 2:4 maize–double cowpea system consists of 4 rows of cowpea and 2 rows of maize, all planted on the same day. The second cowpea crop is planted after the first has been harvested (about 60 days after planting).1 The maize and cowpea are densely planted. The objective of this trial is to gain...

  16. 20-01-2017

  17. 01-11-2017 A large percentage of the world's hungry people are primarily vegetarians, and even vegans, either due to religion or poverty. Although some might find that a sad fact, the reality is that a whole foods, plant-based diet can produce the world's healthiest people, as a National Geographic reporter...

  18. 01-11-2017 Green manures / covercrops (GMCCs) are widely recognized as having potential to help farmers improve crop yields and maintain high soil quality. Developed by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2-4-2 is an intercropping strategy in which two rows of maize are alternated with four...

  19. 01-11-2017 By integrating legumes intoc ropping systems, small-scale farmers in low-resource settings can invest in the long-term health and resilience of their soils. Success or failure depends largely on choosing the right legume(s). Selection or screening trials are use ful experiments that direct...

  20. 01-11-2017 While availability of food calories has paralleled human population growth in Rwanda, the supply of highly nutritious foods -such as complete protein, fats, and micronutrients -remain insufficient in the Rwandan diet. Past research has shown the barriers to Rwandans raising chickens to be a lack...

  21. 01-11-2017 Insect pests can result in substantial losses of stored seed. In West Africa, cowpea bruchids (Callasobruchus maculatus) caused up to 100 percent damage of cowpea seeds stored for a few months (Sallam 1999). Primary pests are those that, in larval stage, feed within intact kernels. Others, such...

  22. 01-11-2017 Can biochar replace perlite in seedling mix? Perlite is light weight, sterile, porous, increases drainage, improves aeration, and helps to keep soil unsaturated and un-compacted. Bio-Char is light-weight, sterile, porous, and holds water without getting saturated, giving it the potential to...

  23. 20-01-2016 Moringa is known for its ability to grow in a wide range of soils. We hypothesized, however, that moringa leaf production can be increased by applying fertility inputs at the base of the trees. We wanted to know: Do moringa trees benefit from fertility inputs? If so, how many grams of nitrogen...

  24. 20-11-2016 The 2:4 maize–double cowpea system consists of a repeating sequence of 4 rows of cowpea alternated with 2 rows of maize. Maize and cowpea are planted on the same day. The second cowpea crop is planted after the first has been harvested (about 60 days after planting).1The objective of this trial...

  25. Plants contain oxalates for a few reasons. The first is that plants do not have an excretory system like animals, so oxalates allow plants the ability to bind up excess calcium (Webb 1999).Plants high in oxalates can have negative effects on the ability of animals to absorb calcium after eating...

  26. Salt buildup typically occurs in dry areas where evaporation exceeds precipitation. Over time, as water evaporates, the minerals left behind begin to accumulate. Plants need a certain amount of soluble salts, but when the salt content of soil water is greater than that of the water inside plant...

  27. After modifications to the ECHO Global Seed Bank storage unit, seed storage techniques already in use were assessed for effectiveness in achieving appropriate seed storing conditions within the renovated cooling and dehydrating system.Seed type influenced the effect of container on relative...

  28. Some tropical crops contain cyanogenic glycosides, toxic substances that release hydrocyanic acid (HCN; also referred to as cyanide) when cells are crushed. Consuming these plants without cooking them can cause cyanide poisoning, with varying effects depending on cyanide levels and how long a...