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  1. 11-10-2023 Seeds are a strategic starting point for any agricultural development program or project, and good seeds are undoubtedly one of the most essential material inputs for farmers, both men and women. In some farming communities and families, seeds are the most significant predictor of productivity....

  2. 01-02-2021 Seeds are a strategic starting point for any agricultural development program or project, and good seeds are undoubtedly one of the most important material inputs for farmers, both men and women. In some farming communities and families, seeds are the most significant predictor of productivity....

  3. 01-10-2019 Seeds are a strategic starting point for any agricultural development programs and projects, and good seeds are undoubtedly one of the most important material inputs for farmers, both men and women. In some farming communities and families, seeds are the most significant predictor of...

  4. 01-10-2017 ECHO supplies small seed packets for trial. It is important to understand that the plants must be treated at first as experimental before making recommendations to members of your community. Many development workers have introduced and promoted ‘miracle technologies’ and ‘wonder plants’ before...

  5. General description and special characteristics – Okra is an upright annual about 1 to 2 m (3 to 6 ft.) tall with a main stem and several branches. It is a prolific producer of dark green pods that can be harvested continuously for weeks. Each flower yields a pod, best harvested to be eaten when...

  6. General description and special characteristics – An upright branched annual of which the young leaves and stems are eaten like cooked spinach. Amaranthus tricolor originates from tropical Asia and is one of the major leafy vegetables in South and Southeast Asia. Varieties – Tigerleaf: green leaf...

  7. General description and special characteristics – An upright, branched annual mainly grown forgrain. Young leaves and stems can be eaten like cooked spinach. The characteristically large inflorescences are bushy and somewhat droopy, containing many seeds which are high in protein. Varieties –...

  8. General description and special characteristics – Malabar spinach is a perennial twining (or vining) herb grown for its tender stems and leaves, which can be cooked like spinach. The leaves and shoots are mucilaginous when cooked. Its fruits have been used for dyeing. Malabar spinach tolerates...

  9. General description and special characteristics – Wax gourd is an annual squash-like vine, with large, soft, hairy leaves. Fruits are large, oblong, 25-120 cm long, usually hairy when young, and with a waxy covering when ripe. Fruit may weigh up to 40 kg, though 10 kg is normal. They have solid...

  10. General description and special characteristics – Mustard is a perennial herb, usually grown as an annual or biennial, up to 1 m or more tall. It has a rooting depth of 90–120 cm (35-47 in.) and is often used in salads or cooked as a green. Seeds may also be pressed for oil. Varieties – Khasi:...

  11. General description and special characteristics – Pigeon pea is a perennial, tree-like shrub that grows to 1.2 – 3.1 m (4-10 ft.) tall and is used for food and fodder as well as in agroforestry systems. It produces dark green leaves and green, edible pods with seeds that are high in protein....

  12. General description and special characteristics – Jack bean is an annual legume. It is bushy (vines less than 1 meter (3 ft.) long), having a deep root system that makes it drought-tolerant. It produces large leaves and smooth pods (up to 30 cm/12 in. long) that yield large, smooth white seeds....

  13. General description and special characteristics – Sword bean is known chiefly as a cultivated species and may have been derived by selection from Canavalia virosa, a wild species occurring principally in Africa. It is cultivated widely in South and Southeast Asia, especially in India, Sri Lanka,...

  14. General description and special characteristics – Capsicum frutescens is a perennial growing to 1 m (3ft 3in) by 0.6 m(2ft). The flowers are hermaphroditic (have both male and female organs). It’s believed to have been cultivated in Bolivia and Meso-America as early as the 16th century. This...

  15. General description and special characteristics – One of the oldest cultivated legumes on record, chickpea is a key ingredient in such well-known Asian and Middle-Eastern foods as humus, falafel, and Burmese (Shan) tofu. Chickpea is grown in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions. Two types...

  16. General description and special characteristics – Sometimes called the spinach tree, chaya is a fast-growing perennial shrub native to Mexico that produces large, dark green leaves. Relatively new to Asia, the young leaves and thick succulent stems of chaya are a good source of protein, calcium,...

  17. General description and special characteristics – Job’s tears is an annual, erect grass, 1-2 m tall, with maize-like brace roots that grow from the lower nodes. The grass is monoecious, having separate male and female flowers on different parts of the plant. The female flowers produce yellow,...

  18. General description and special characteristics – Ivy gourd is a perennial vine with white, star shaped flowers and cucumber-like fruit which is green when immature and bright red when ripe. It is naturalized or native in Southeast Asia and East Africa, but is listed as an invasive weed in...

  19. General description and special characteristics – Annual semi-hardy herb up to 1-2 m tall with bright orange or yellow flowers. Variety – Thung Khang Tong, a local Thai variety

  20. General description and special characteristics – Sunn hemp is an erect, Photo: ECHO Asia staff annual legume with rapid, vigorous growth, bright yellow flowers, and plump,pubescent seed pods. The plant generally grows unbranched from the ground to approximately 60 cm (2 ft.) up the stem. Above...

  21. General description and special characteristics – The cucumber is an annual herbaceous plant trailing or climbing from 1.5 – 4.5 m (5 to 15 ft.) by means of simple tendrils. “The stems are angled; the leaves are cordate with 3-5 lobes, and are rough” (Herklots 1972). Varieties - Burmese:Small...

  22. General description and special characteristics – Flemingia macrophylla is a nitrogen fixing, perennial, woody, deep-rooting, leafy shrub with a generally erect growth habit. Multiple stems rising from the base can reach heights of 4 m (13 ft). Highly adapted to acidic soils. Variety – Local

  23. General description and special characteristics – Niger seed is an erect, annual dicotyledonous plant that develops yellow flowers that produce shiny black seeds. In Ethiopia, India, and Myanmar, it is primarily grown as an oilseed crop, but also produced to sell to various countries as wild bird...

  24. General description and special characteristics – The sunflower is an upright annual plant that varies in height from 1-4 m. The sunflower is a North American species. Evidence shows that its cultivation by Native Americans, in what is now the Western United States and central highlands of...

  25. General description and special characteristics – A striking and colorful African perennial with red to maroon leaves resembling a maple leaf in shape. Tends to grow straight and tall without pruning, but can be formed into a bush or shrub. The leaves are pleasantly tart to eat. Variety –‘ECHO’

  26. General description and special characteristics – Roselle. A tall, slightly bushy perennial plant with red stems, leaves and succulent calyces. Varieties – Burmese (พันธุทัองถินพมา):A hardy, red-stemmed roselle that produces many calyces. 90 days from seed to flower. With edible leaf shoots, an...

  27. General description and special characteristics – Large indigo is an erect shrub which can grow into a small tree between 3-5 meters within 2 years. It has been observed up to 12 m in height. Its branches and leaves have white hairs. The leaf is 20 cm long and composed of 11-17 leaflets. The...

  28. General description and special characteristics – Field varieties of lablab are drought-resistant summer annuals or short-lived perennials. Compared to vegetable lablab varieties, such field varieties are shorter and somewhat erect (although vines can reach lengths of 1 m (3 ft.) or more). Also,...

  29. General description and special characteristics – A climbing, perennial (or semi-perennial) legume; grown in gardens for edible purple pods. Variety – Chiang Dao

  30. General description and special characteristics – Tropical lettuce is an erect, self-seeding, semi-perennial originally from China that grows to 2 m (6 ft) in height and is cultivated for its long, succulent leaves. The leaves are somewhat bitter – a desirable quality for certain Asian dishes....

  31. General description and special characteristics -Khasi Green is a looseleaf type of lettuce (as opposed to head and stem lettuce varieties). Varieties - Celtuce (ผักสลัดตน พันธุทองถิน):Variety is similar to Khasi Green in maintenance but different in use. Young leaves can be eaten as well as the...

  32. General description and special characteristics – A vining annual that grows up to 9m (30 ft) in length, it is grown throughout Asia for its edible shoots, leaves and fruit. The mature fruit dries to produce a gourd with a hard woody shell that can be used as water bottles, ladles and cups. The...

  33. General description and special characteristics – Leucaena diversifolia is a multipurpose tree species originally found in Central America. It is a leguminous tree or erect shrub from 3-20 m tall. It bears reddish-brown pods 10-13 cm long, 1-6 per flower. It can be distinguished from the more...

  34. General description and special characteristics – Leucaena is a multi-purpose tree species originally found in Central America and naturalized in Southeast Asia. It is a leguminous tree or shrub known for its use in fodder and agroforestry applications. Leaves have small pinnate leaflets, 2-4.5...

  35. General description and special characteristics-Luffa is a climbing annual that when mature, produces oblong fruit about 1 feet long that are full of fiber and oval, black seeds. The mature rind is hard but thin and can be softened and removed by soaking in water, leaving the fiber and seeds. The...

  36. General description and special characteristics – A slender annual climbing to 3.0 -3.7 m (10-12 ft) tall with edible fruits and young vines that may be prepared in a variety of ways. The fruits are pear-shaped or oblong, growing to 10-15cm (4-6 in) long.

  37. General description and special characteristics – Gac is a large, climbing, perennial vine that can grow up to 20 feet, with 3-5 lobed dark green leaves. The fruit is ovate, 4-5 inches long, with small spines. The fruit is green until ripe, when it turns bright orange or red. When the fruit is...

  38. General description and special characteristics – The moringa tree is a drought resistant, fast growing, deciduous tree or shrub with an average height of 12 meters (39.4 ft) at maturity. It is also known as the horseradish tree and is native to northwestern India. Moringa is widely grown,...

  39. General description and special characteristics – Vigorous, vining, annual (sometimes biennial) legume. Vines may extend up to 18 m (19.7 yd) in length. Velvet bean originally came from China and eastern India where it was commonly grown as a green vegetable crop. Varieties Bush Variety (พันธุพุ...

  40. General description and special characteristics – A leguminous, tuber-producing, annual vine. Tubers are eaten raw and remain crunchy when cooked. Yam bean can be used as a cover crop or trellised. The tuber is high in carbohydrates but is otherwise low in nutritional value. Leaves and seeds...

  41. General description and special characteristics – A widely cultivated pulse crop in Myanmar, this annual is better adapted to the poor soils of the lowland humid tropics and gives better yields than common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Varieties can be climbing (2-4 m or 6.6 ft) length or bush...

  42. General description and special characteristics – An annual legume, the common bean includes bushy varieties (bush beans) as well as vining types (pole beans) that may reach about 2 m (6.6 ft.) in height. Certain varieties of common bean are grown for their pods and seeds, which are cooked and...

  43. General description and special characteristics – Inca nut is a woody vining perennial plant in the Euphorbiaceae family native to the high altitude rain forests of the Andes in South America. It has been grown for centuries for the large seed and seed oil, which is used in cooking. The seeds are...

  44. General description and special characteristics – A climbing perennial with large pale blue flowers that produce 15-20 cm (6-8 in) winged pods at maturity. It can be planted as an annual or perennial. Variety - Day-Neutral - Blooms during longer days, allowing out of season production. Pang Daeng...

  45. General description and special characteristics – Green leafy, perennial vegetable grown as a shrub. Leaves and young stem tips make a good edible green. Flavor is reminiscent of fresh peas or peanuts. Does extremely well in hot humid conditions; tolerates occasional flooding and acidic soils....

  46. General description and special characteristics – A non-nitrogen fixing, leguminous tree native to Southeast Asia. Growing up to 15 meters (49 ft) high, the cassod tree has been incorporated into various agroforestry systems and makes a good shade tree for tea, cocoa, and coffee plantings. It is...

  47. General description and special characteristics – Sesame is an erect annual plant up to 2 m tall, known for the high oil content of its seeds. Seeds are 2-4 mm long, oval in shape and pointed on one end. Fruit is a capsule containing 50-100 seeds. Varieties - Black AVRDC(พันธุเมดสีดำ):Taller...

  48. General description and special characteristics – Sesbania is a small, quick-growing, loosely-branching tree with compound, alternate leaves. Large pea-like flowers, white to pink, grow in clusters of 2-5 at the base of leaves. Bears narrow pods 30-50 cm long and 8 mm wide. Variety – Local Thai...

  49. General description and special characteristics – Foxtail millet is an annual grain with a deep, well-developed root system. A distinct benefit of foxtail millet is that it is one of the most water efficient, short-term, warm weather crops that can be used as a “catch” or “famine” crop, planted...

  50. General description and special characteristics – A semi-perennial shrubby plant that is sometimes grown as an annual. The cooked fruits provide a useful vegetable in the tropics. The size and shape of the fruit varies with the variety, including round, oval, and long. Color also varies between...

  51. General description and special characteristics – The tomato originated in South America as a weed in fields of corn, butwas domesticated in Mexico and Central America. From there it spread around the globe. The plant is erect or spreadingand viney, and coarsely hairy with small yellow flowers....

  52. General description and special characteristics – A warm-season, short-day annual grass, sorghum is the fourth most important cereal grain grown in the world. Being a C4 photosynthetic pathway plant, sorghum is at an advantage in areas where low rainfall and high temperatures will not produce a...

  53. General description and special characteristics – Marigolds are prolific bloomers with large yellow, orange, and gold double flowers on vigorous bushy plants. They grow to 0.9-1.2m (3-4 ft.) in height. Variety – Heirloom variety from United States, with a mix of yellow and orange flowers.

  54. General description and special characteristics – A leguminous, perennial shrub first grown in India. This species has a dense leaf canopy. The leaves are high in protein and can be used as food supplement for pigs and cattle but not humans. Insecticidal properties are also reported. As a...

  55. General description and special characteristics – Fish bean is an herbaceous to woody, leguminous herb or shrub capable of reaching a height of 2-3 m (6.5-10 ft) in just seven months. Flowers are purple with white markings or plain white and are 2.5 cm (1 in) wide. Pods usually contain 8 to 16...

  56. General description and special characteristics – A bushy or vining annual that produces yellow flowers and pods up to 15 cm (6 in) in length. Mung bean is an important grain legume crop throughout Asia for its use as food, as an intercrop with rice, and as a green manure and fodder. Varieties –...

  57. General description and special characteristics – Rice bean is a twining annual with yellow flowers and edible beans that can also be grown as a semi-perennial. There are both climbing and bush types of rice bean. It is commonly grown for food, as fodder, and intercropped with rice, corn,...

  58. General description and special characteristics – Cowpea is an indeterminate, drought-tolerant, bushy annual that is useful for forage and as an edible pulse. A native to central Africa, this legume can be used as a green manure and is a good control for soil erosion due to its rapid growth....

  59. General description and special characteristics – Yard long bean most likely originated in southern China. It is a legume closely related to the common cowpea, typically cultivated for its edible immature pods. The pods hang in pairs and can be between 30 and 90 cm in length, although generally...

  60. General description and special characteristics –Maize is described as the most domesticated of all field crops. Originating in the vicinity of Mexico and Central America, it is considered to have descended from the wild teosinte plant and has been cultivated since the period between 3400 and...

  61. General description and special characteristics - Zinnia is an upright, bushy flower with a yellow and black inner flower and petals of varying color. Variety -Thung Khang Tong: a local Thai variety with a mix of purple and white flowers.