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  1. 20-10-2002

  2. 19-12-1984 Informationcentre for Low External Input Agriculture Gloria land in India - a starting point for ecological activities Experiences with farming systems research in Kenya Ecological agriculture and farmers' participation in Bolivia

  3. 29-03-1985 Maintenance of soil fertility Agricultural use of the humid tropical forests Shifting cultivation into sustainable agriculture - Ghana Soil formation by termites Rainwater harvesting

  4. 19-07-1985 The possible role of trees in farming systems of the tropics Exploitation of microbial systems of tree/plant species - India Low-input technology for managing oxisols and ultisols in tropical America Chemical fertilizer aid to Nepal Alley-cropping with leucaena Training courses ecological...

  5. 29-11-1985 Participatory approaches in rural development Farming systems research Women in farming systems research Action-research People's knowledge is people's power - Peru and Ecuador Helping farmers to change - Philippines GRAPP's method - experiences in Burkina Faso Go to the people - an African...

  6. 19-08-1986 Water harvesting Indigenous knowledge Dryland management - take a fresh look at local traditions Water and soil conservation by farmers in Burkina Faso Runoff farming in Tunisia Water harvesting in Kenya Water harvesting techniques Herders associations - Niger

  7. 19-11-1986 Integrated pest management - Nicaragua Insecticial plants Biological control Do small farmers have effective alternatives to chemical pesticides Natural crop protection based on local resources Natural enemies wanter Mexican farmers sell organic coffee

  8. 19-05-1987 Integrated nutrient supply Improved fallow Nitrogen transfer from legumes Cover crops on acid soils Sunnhemp Rock phosphate Micro-nutrient drain Soil conservation and shifting cultivators Cycles of poverty

  9. 19-07-1987 The significance of diversity Spreading risks across slopes Traditional seed supply for food crops Community seedbank kit Diversified alley cropping Woody biomass systems Soil conservation and shifting cultivators

  10. 29-10-1987 Traditional Microclimate Management Mulching Zero Tillage Management Options of Crop Residues

  11. 12-01-1987 Environmentally Sound Improvement of Livestock Management Farmer participatory research Traditional resource use by cattle keepers Integration of livestock and crops in a smallholding Poultry keeping Animal first aid workers Local knowledge

  12. 19-03-1988 Mountain agriculture Land degradation in Papua New Guinea Sloping agricultural land technology Land use systems in marginal highlands Community forestry Cassava planting Pest management

  13. 19-05-1988 Published May, 1988 This publication is the result of a combined effort by the Information centre for Low-External Input Agriculture (ILEIA) in The Netherlands and AGRECOL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION in Switzerland. It aims at facilitating the dissemination of information on sustainable agriculture...

  14. 19-05-1988 Published May, 1988 This publication is the result of a combined effort by the Information centre for Low-External Input Agriculture (ILEIA)in The Netherlands and AGRECOL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION in Switzerland. It aims at facilitating the dissemination of information on sustainable agriculture...

  15. 19-10-1988 Strengthening farmers' capacity for technology development Soybean Daddawa Farmers as experimenters Peasant farmer agricultural self-development Participatory system Natural crop protection

  16. 19-12-1988 Farming systems experiences Enhancing dryland agriculture Reduction of risk by diversity Bitter cassava as a drought resistant crop Composting Water harvesting for plant production Moisture conservation Tree planting for soil conservation Tuna plant

  17. 19-04-1989 Participatory analysis of the village agroecosystem Research on integrated and organic farming Traditional irrigation Water harvesting Agroforestry and integrated land use in Tanzania Guinea Pig Plant Protection

  18. 19-03-1989 Religious ceremonies have practical value in Sri Lanka Brazilian farmers - composting helps to prevent pests Schoolboys assist farmers as IPM scouts in the Philippines Integrated pest management Ancient methods Natural crop protection Rice cultivation Herbal preparations Understanding plant...

  19. 19-04-1989 Women use local knowledge to ensure survival Amazonian myth gives peasants' views Farmers welcome iguanas in forests of Panama Local initiatives in maintaining biological diversity Andean potato Indigenous knowledge Sustainable rice-farming Village based seed production Genetic diversity

  20. 03-01-1990 Peruvian peasants are proud to share their knowledge Experimentation by Thai farmers raises their self-confidence You cannot fix indigenous knowlege Traditional Indian agriculture Andean agriculture Culturally significant pest control Working with local knowlege in range and livestock...

  21. 19-06-1990 Traditional practices are the basis for community forestry in Peru Mixed-garden agroforestry economically viable in Indonesia Community level planning and action needed for regreening Ecofarming Economics of agriculture Trees and farmers Fodder hedges within dairy projects Forestry for...

  22. 19-10-1990 Traditional use of external inputs by Bhutanese farmers Soil life and chemical fertilizers in Brazil Alternative farming in USA Finding the best mix Soil life and chemical fertilizers Sustainable farming Our organic farming experience

  23. 19-05-1991 Assessing low-external-input farming techniques Bontoc rice terraces Pleasant strategies to deal with risk Africa's soils are being mined Local economies From data collection to farmer assessment Soil erosion Natural grass strips Soil fertility techniques Beans Agroforestry New approaches to...

  24. 19-10-1991 Chinese peasants design their future Rural university in Colombia Research-training-action in Senegal Learning systems agriculture Peasants and NGOs in a shared quest Agriculture, women and ecology Revitalising indigenous knowledge

  25. 19-12-1991 Strategies for integrated systems Herding associations - Peru Community based landuse planning in Thailand Lowland farming Women integrate fish and farming Sustainable agriculture Agroforestry Indigenousknowledge

  26. 19-03-1992 Rural women see their lives change Gardens give flavour to life Farmers hold on to their land Cabbage worse than opium? Making the most of little rain Environmental change and quality of life Women, trees and survival Household gardens Water committees take action

  27. 19-07-1992 Networking Lessons from Latin America - Andean Stewards of the land - USA Networking for LEISA development - India Alley farming network for tropical Africa

  28. 19-10-1992 Donkey power to the women Interviewing cows Policies promoting pastoralists Holistic resource management Livestock fertiliser factories Nutrient cycle Poultry in the backyard Animal traction Do-it-yourself vet services

  29. 19-12-1992 Erosion saves work Industrious insects Playing with family labour Fossil energy Green manures Cover crops Ecological agriculture

  30. 01-01-1993 Apart from the register of addresses, we herewith present a listingof 57 national, regional 0r international information centres (in thewidest sense of the word). A short description is given, including any services rendered.This list is only a small selection of institutions. More addresses and...

  31. 19-03-1993 Livestock issue Mushrooming income for women Beekeeping Chiapas sheep Crossbreeding Soil classification Improved cultivars

  32. 19-07-1993 Campaign for pesticide free rice Rapid composting saves labour How fertile is fertilizer aid Fish reduce pesticide use Growing maize in Tanzania Integrated nutrient management Indigenous vegetables from Nepal

  33. 19-10-1993 Fermented foods Crop residues: mulch or feed? Improved grainaries Indigenous food preservation Enset A long tradition of long storage Fusing tradition and science to design a better granary The many uses of millet residues Pastoral women harvest hay for calves Sweet potatoes Andean noodles

  34. 19-12-1993 Sustainable growth in Kenya Agroecological planning in Brazil Agriculture or Agribusiness? A strong case for diversity Protecting farmers' rights Bio-organic farming Promoting sustainable land use - the role of NGOs Coming back on chemicals

  35. 19-03-1994 Farmers control communication Sharing information Consumers support organic farmers in Japan Communicating via radio Informal innovation comes first - Mali Seeds for life How to write for farmers - Nicaragua Communicating via black and white

  36. 19-07-1994 Revival of customary landcare - Tanzania Improving land care Grazing options Landcare in Australia Sustaining agri-culture Livestock and nutrient cycling

  37. 19-10-1994 Recovery of city waste Earthworms as credit Organic wastes hijacked Recycle or pollute Micro-organisms Recycling urban night soil Modified anaerobic composting Drawing bioresource flows

  38. 19-12-1994 Women survive on little land - Argentina City farming Hydroponics Bio-intensive gardening - Bangladesh Philippine resettlers start organic gardens Urban agriculture network Gardening on garbage Waste Grazing alternatives The cattle of Chitungwiza

  39. 01-01-1995 This is a publication of the Information Centre for Low-External-lnput and Sustainable Agriculture (lLElA).Much of the material presented in the 1988 bibliography, however, is no longer available, or has been replaced bypublications that present a new view on the situation. Although the emphasis...

  40. 19-03-1995 Learning how to do experimental trials Intensive small-scale farming Understanding plant diseases Fertilizer bean-Honduras Rats, mice and other vermin Rural journalism Information sharing - Germany Flexible experiments Learning with urban farmers - Bolivia Less fertilzer Hybrid layers -...

  41. 19-07-1995 The lure of statistics Diversity of farmers' strategies - Mali Improving network performance Landuse planning combining multicriteria computer models with participatory methodologies High quality experiments Variation: problem or solution? Culture, social relationship and indigenous economics on...

  42. 19-10-1995 The living mulch of Nepal Unexpected source of income - Niger Aggressive colonizers Initiatives to combat savannization and land degradation in Ghana Soil conservation and weed control Green manures - Brazil Cover crops - Honduras Weed management - trees- Kenya Labor issues - India The yield of...

  43. 19-12-1995 Coping with change in dryland savannah Sustainable agriculture in different environments Food security Watershed development in India through peoples participation Nutrientdynamics and agricultural intensification - Nigeria Legumes for sustainable food production Legumes Farmers in Argentina...

  44. 19-04-1996 Experiences from the Andes and the Himalayas combined Lameo - Boliva soil conservation Irrigation through reservoirs in Bolivia Burning in hillsides farming in Colombia Diversity in mountain agriculture in northern India Indigenous knowledge re-valued Livestock and soil fertility

  45. 19-07-1996 Integrated farming systems in humid lowlands Philippine farmer switches over to rice-fish Pigs manage the world's worst weed in India Cambodia aquaculture developments Diversifying rice field systems in Bangladesh Pak Yanto's road to sustainability Capture or culture? Wetland management in...

  46. 19-12-1996 Assessing sustainability in Burkina Faso Grassroots indicators Facilitating a joint analysis of change in Mexico Perceptions of nature differ among groups in Mexico Biodiversity-based productivity framework developed in India Farmers fencedout in India

  47. 19-04-1997 Forging dynamic partnerships RAAK a new participatory methodology Shifting farmers to the centre in R&D relationships, Ghana Learning about partnerships from a four century old irrigation system in Nepal Stakehold identification in natural resource management Dialogue instead of debate -...

  48. 19-07-1997 User-producer tools development Values-based rural develoment Palm sugar Controlling chickens Rats, bats and traps An innovative organic farming Controlling house flies Ecology education in Peru

  49. 19-10-1997 Rebuilding lost soil fertility A tool for quantitative farm analysis Intensification of swidden agriculture in the Philippines Poor soils need organic matter Indigenous green manure in Nepal New Kekulam Recycling household waste in Egypt Biomass transfer

  50. 19-12-1997 Integrated pest management in Latin America Developments in crop protection Natural Pest Management in Zimbabwe Chinese rice farmers Integrated rice-duck cultivation in Vietnam Trapping the red hairy caterpillar in India Food security and local production of biopesticides in Cuba Natural...

  51. 19-07-1998 Challenging water scarcity Irrigation development - Peru The challenge of organising catchment councils Saurasbtra's water insurer Water resource management Improved irrigation efficiencies in Tunisian oases Bridging gaps in water and labour supply Transferred technology in a basket of options...

  52. 19-12-1998 Agricultural trade The organic market Fair trade and trade development Trade opportunities Strategies to commercialise agroforestry products Sustainable chocolate Organic agriculture The weakest go to the wall Sustainable agriculture needs sustainable markets Green market Marketing organic...

  53. 19-09-1999 Participatory Technology Development The Phillippines Ghana Peru India Integrated Soil Management

  54. 19-12-1999 Seeds for agrobiodiversity Collaboration Biodiversity i agriculture Genes Seed shortages threaten organic farming Bean Seed systems Genetic variability in rice Seed selection Genetic resources conservation Seed fairs Andean tubers

  55. 20-03-2000 Communities combatting desertifications The UN Convention to combat desertification Cattle and cultivators management Water harvesting Harvesting the monsoon Orchard development National strategies for integrated soil fertility management in Africa Strategic Environmental Analysis

  56. 20-07-2000 Grassroots innovations for survival Farmer Innovation in the South Pacific Forging partnerships with innovative farmers in Tanzania Sowing maize in pits Chains of innovation by farmers in Cameroon Devil's tie bedevils water: am Irob innovation How communities assess local innovators Gafsa...

  57. 20-09-2000 Fallow management Nutrient banks or nutrient access Buhid shifting cultivators adapt land use Analog forestry Regenerative analog agroforestry in Brazil Marketing of forest and agricultural products Sustainable agriculture on the forest margin Livestock and forage management in stablising...

  58. 20-12-2000 Monocultures towards sustainability Soybeans for dairy products Ecologisation of soybean production Rice wheat No-tillage rice wheat cultivation SRI genetic diversity and disease control How to grow winter wheat Monocultures Ecologising rice-based systems in Bangladesh Organic cotton Organic...

  59. 20-04-2001 Resilience to disaster Resilience in farm level food security Farmers' responses to reduce the risks of drought Trees for semi-nomadic farmers Enset, the tree against hunger Underground storage of sorghum African farmer Effective women's development Far from all oil palm turmoil Measuring...

  60. 20-07-2001 Trade liberalisation Causes of rural poverty Loss of the local and spectres of the global Community based organic farming Traditional mixed farming system Catalysing change in Ladakh Strengthening local economies and community identify Family agriculture and globalisation Farming economically

  61. 20-10-2001 Scaling up social development Scaling up natural resources management From zero tillage to conservation agriculture Scaling up sustainable Scaling up landcarein Philippines Scaling up fallow management innovations Scaling up development in agricultural settlements Pond farming Wadi model

  62. 20-12-2001 Genetic engineering Biotechnology GMO-free breeding for organic agriculture SRI The push-pull system GM soybeans Organic cottonproduction Plants protecting other plants Farming futures in India

  63. 20-04-2002 Livestock production Livestock Revolution Livestock strategies in Bolivia Climate-soil-pasture-cattle interactions in Brazil Integrated systems Dry rivers Zero grazing in Kenya Cuban experience in integrated farming Llam production in Bolivia Dutch dairy farmers Predatory ants

  64. 20-07-2002 Agricultural extension The ICT gloval plans Networking in sub Saharan Africa Farmer to farmer radio for Dekhon farmers in Tadjikistan Internet in the South Linking farmers through radio Using the Internet for advocacy

  65. 20-12-2002 The feminisation of agriculture and the implications for maize development in China New tools for Romanian women farmers Indian women farmers Bitter cassava and women Women and livestock Gender mainstreaming Developing camel products Small change crops Economic change and gender role

  66. 20-03-2002 Managing agroecosystems Ecological Millenniium An ecosystem approach to health Agriculture and human health Ecology of mycotoxins in maize and groundnuts Ecohealth case studies An emerging consensus on ecosystems and human health

  67. 20-03-2003 Fundamental elements of a Farmer Field School PTD practitioners Field schools for Kenyan dairy farmers Farmer Life Schools Community forest management and FFS Evaluation in FFS Picturing impact The Egyptian experience with FFS The greening of self help groups Gender field schools Farmer schools...

  68. 20-06-2003 Improving soil moisture with conservation agriculture Soil management in semi-arid savannas What we have learned Drought-proofing villages in Gansu province Spherical water tanks Managing water together Reflecting on farm pond development Farmer innovations in water harvesting Holding the rain...

  69. 20-09-2003 Land tenure and resource access in West Africa Securing access to water in Ngurunit Lake Mweru is our bank Accessing livelihoods through shared farming Brazilian land Sherkolle Refugee Camp Forest access: policy and reality in Kafa, Ethiopia Water volunteer Arvari Sansad: the river parliament...

  70. 20-12-2003 Little bugs, big problems Nitrogen fixation on a national scale From soil erosion to soil quality Healing the earth - an Ethiopian story Understanding traditional terracin Adoption of green manure and cover crops Kick-starting legumes Bioremediation: decontaminating polluted soils Using weed to...

  71. 20-03-2004 Underutilized plant species Roselle in Senegal and Mali Canahua deserves to come back Genetic erosion of canahua Growing and marketing Andean grains Fonio: a small grain with potential Taro in Vanuatu Masuku Home gardens Native fruits Marugu Women reintroducing neglected crops The slow food...

  72. 20-06-2004 Youth and rural livelihoods Growing up in the REAL world Experiences from Honduras and Colombia Children and the red hairy caterpillar offensive Primary schools as catalysts for change Rediscovering cultural roots: children and biodiversity in the Andes The pathfinder Academy Young farmers in...

  73. 20-09-2004 Taking human beings into account Producing for the family Post-harvest fisheries Improving dairy products and market links Managing livestock by-products in Iran Improved matmuras: effective but underutilized Traditional storage structures still going strong Changing storage practices The...

  74. 20-03-2005 Energy use in agriculture Planting to catch more sunlight Biodigesters in ecological farming systems Biogas in Uganda Improving organic fertilizers Saving energy with better tools Biogas production with guinea pig manure Improving traditional water mills Clean energy for chilling milk Passive...

  75. 20-06-2005 Transforming the land More than profit: Horta e Arte Organic coffee Holding on to the family farm An alternative to slash-and-burn Supporting the local economy Microcredit, poverty and the environment Organizing access to local seeds in a context of crisis Community seed banks Recovering...

  76. 20-09-2005 The contribution of small animals The advantages of small animals in farming systems Diversifying small farms in Cambodia Crop-goat integration in upland farming systems Improving livelihoods through vermicomposting Ecological breeding of guinea pigs Improving the performance of indigenous sheep...

  77. 20-12-2005 Tools for influencing policy Promoting organic agriculture in Uganda Small-scale agriculture and food security policies Arvari Sansad - the famers' parliament RAAA in Peru Improved fallows and local institutions Policy development in the organic movement Changing animal health policies Working...

  78. 20-03-2006 Documentation: an effective tool in Farmer Field Schools Building documentation and communication capacities Documentation of animal genetic resources - the LIFE method The LEISA systematization process Our participation in the systematization process Documenting agroecology - Brazil Learning...

  79. 20-06-2006 Cuba's enforced ecological learning experience Input substitution or ecological agriculture? The transition process to ecological agriculture in Chiapas, Mexico Towards more sustainable livelihoods Beechenhill Farm finds an organic future Organising for organic agriculture in Tanzania Cabiokid,...

  80. 20-09-2006 Bridging the gaps between researchers' and farmers' realities Improving service delivery in Yunnan, China Better livestock management in Guatemala Documenting, validating and scaling-up local innovations From piloting to scaling up Change through shared learning In search of new sources of...

  81. 20-12-2006 The System of RiceIntensification and its implications for agriculture Managing pests through plan diversification Powdered rock to revitalise soils The Mambwe mound cultivation system Managing organic resources for soil amendment Conservation Farming in rural Zimbabwe Improving the jhum system...

  82. 20-03-2007 Collective action for biodiversity and livelihoods Keeping people on the land The Lagos State Fish Farmers' Association Development dilemmas and farmers' organisations Organic Farming FFS networks in East Africa The Malabing Valley Multipurpose Co-operative Farmer organisation and market access...

  83. 20-06-2007 The role of trust in the acquisition of seeds Local multiplication to ensure timely planting Selecting the best plants to improve seed potato Higher yields and income with disease resistant coffee clones New bean seeds Conserving the plant genetic resources of southern Africa Community based...

  84. 20-09-2007 Bringing agriculture and health workers together Fighting AIDS with traditional foods and organic practices The revival of an ancient crop Seeking sustainable health improvements using orange-fleshed sweet potato Child nutrition in Mexico under conventional and organic agirculture Beating...

  85. 20-12-2007 Pest management Ecological pest management Traditional ecological management of late blight in potato The theory of trophobiosis in pest and disease control Plant clinics for healthy crops Rats - an ecologically-based approach for managing a global problem Changing the strategies of Farmer Field...

  86. 20-03-2008 Fair fruit trade Exporting mangoes from Burkina Faso Bolivian producers lobby for change Improved shea butter trading through certification Agroecological cotton and fair trade make the difference Filipino handicrafts Organic and fair trade products attract new customers Corporate challenges to...

  87. 20-06-2008 Optimising nutrient cycles with trees in pasture fields Talking soil science with farmers Soil quality fand farm profitability Cover crops do it all Green manures Micro-organisms Feeding and watering the soil to increase food production Soil rehabilitation starts with more efficient cookstoves...

  88. 20-09-2008 Addressing the conditions for getting out of poverty Farmer field schools in traditional societies - from technical to social issues Addressing the conditions for getting out of poverty Social inclusion as a precondition of development in Nepal Targeting women pays when promoting food security...

  89. 20-12-2008 Farmers and sorghum in Nicaragua's northern region Using radio to share farmers' adaptation strategies Climate change Climate field schools in Indonesia Livestock and climate change Adaptive agriculture in flood affected areas Cultivating resilience - lessons from the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka...

  90. 20-03-2009 Diversity and efficiency: the elements of ecologically intensive agriculture Seeds, knowledge and diversity in the hands of small-scale farmers in Honduras Living the sustainable life - managing a dryland family farm Making the most of underutilised crops Improving livelihoods with underutilised...

  91. 20-06-2009 Supportive policies secure a future for family farming Adding value to local livelihoods Creating conditions for growth Plenty of fruit, but also plenty of hurdles Supportive policies secure a future for family farming For these women, money does grow on (neem) trees It works to work together...

  92. 20-09-2009 Women participate, everybody benefits Technology alone is not enough - Uganda Big business in the forest - Liveria How can Africa feed itself? Getting food sovereignty and women's rights onto the political agenda - Brazil If you don't save seed, you are not a real farmer - Mozamibique...

  93. 20-12-2009 The future of family farming The Sahel gets green Seducing the scientist The glass is half full More from less, from less to more Moving pictures The future of family farming Building on success No one-size-fits-all in extension

  94. 20-03-2010 Food as a universal right Livestock services to family farmers: free or fee? Unpacking a poultry myth (improved breeds) Re-assessing the fodder problem The Future of Family Farming Pastoralism: Shifts in policy-making Crops and animals in Tajikistan: Back on track

  95. 20-06-2010 The philosophy of slow growth Local resources: great capital Big problems demand big ambitions Ensuring finance with a contract Thinking beyond credit Money for farming Making farmers bandable Should farmers get paid for providing ecosystem services Trade finance Rural finance

  96. 20-09-2010 Traditional water governance in Nepal Holland's water boards The role of a local committee in changing times Land grabs are cheap deals for rich countries Running water uphill with a ram pump Water is everybody's business What does good water governance mean Water services that address multiple...

  97. 20-12-2010 Planning outcomes in detail More opportunities for scaling up in Central America GMOs are a serious threat to local breeds Enhancing learning within certification schemes Teaching teachers: agroecology in Argentina Can family farmers benefit from bio-fuels? Farmer Field Schools take root in...

  98. 20-03-2011 Reclaiming agriculture for Pacific youth We know what to do "Anchored" education promises better results Meeting a region's broad development needs Youth's perceptions are the starting point The many possibilities of ICTs in African agriculture How do we make markets work for the poor? Teaching...

  99. 20-06-2011 The TREES experience in Sao Paulo Where there are no trees Payments or rewards A long term perspective: the Wanakaset concept Trees and farming Rights and ownership: "It's our forest" Planting trees, rooting awareness Seed management: a farmer friendly method Quantities vs quality

  100. 20-09-2011 San Isidro's "Food Circle" Let's go local No longer neglected Incredible Edible Todmorden: Eating the street Regional food systems Promotion more sustainable diets Breaking down barriers to intra-regional trade Brazil's Food Acquisition Programme Food Reserves

  101. 20-12-2011 Re-peasantisationin Araponga Communities are smart enough Knowledge management within IFAD The silent partners' new voice Land and land rights Land rights in Mongolia- are more or less regulations needed? The contribution of local governments The 2Papproach in Nepal Rio + 20

  102. 20-03-2012 Insect conservation Agrobiodiversity@knowledged Managing for higher yields Insect conservation in the UK Insects, farmers and farm management Mulch, a home for insects All you need to know about bees Zambia: abuzz with bees A farmer-driven program to reinforce advocacy capacity

  103. 20-06-2012 Twenty years later Poverty alleviation - dignity, ecological growth or just money? Agrobiodiversity@knowledged: enhancing the debate for a real transformation Feeding the worldin the twenty-first century Agro-ecological approaches to enhance resilience to climate change Farmers and markets:...

  104. 20-09-2012 A pyramid of farmer organisations The rules that keep the group together A powerful learning opportunity Rio + 20 - what now? Farmer organisations Nepal's biodiversity conservation and development committee REAP's agro-ecological villages The strength of farmer organisations The biodiversity...

  105. 20-12-2012 Evidence of success Roles and regulations UNCCD: Striving for a land-degradation neutral world Development practice in transition Water harvesting in Peru Tackling degradation together Rejuvenated landscape, rejuvenated lives Agrobiodiversity@knowledged: true champions

  106. 20-03-2013 Impressive results in Bihar A visual guide to SRI SCI: Planting with space How is SRI evolving, and what are we learning SRI in Peru Enhancing agrobiodiversity through SRI New initiatives, Madagascar and Mali SRI in India

  107. 20-06-2013 Farmers' agency Local food systems in Ecuador Youth and agriculture We need to support what farmers are already doing Old traditions, new practices Tzimbuto and Canasta Utopia Building markets Strengthening links between producers and consumers Learning by doing Creating better opportunities:...

  108. 20-09-2013 The Shashe Agro-Ecology School Learning AgriCultures Improved extension in Paraguay Seeds and farmer field schools Reflecting upon practice A university's model for local development Connecting social movements, family farmers and the university Training teachers in Afghasistan A new cadre of...

  109. 20-12-2013 Ten qualities of family farming New peasants in Spain When family farmers lead development The mother of our breath "We are a political and economic force" From conflicts to profitable alliances Learning from new peasants Agri-ProFocus Agro-ecology

  110. 20-03-2014 Breaking through the glass house Women and diversity in India Eduador: realising the potential of peasant seeds Living gene banks in farmers' fields From barren land to biodiverse home gardens Seeds or grains: breaking the dichotomy Reviving the Ankole Langhorns of Uganda Linking biodiversity...

  111. 20-02-2014 From subsistence to resistance "A revolution of thought is necessary" Agroecology and the right to food Local food systems in times of economic crisis Bees bring a buzz to family farming in Zimbabwe Home nurseries, viable businesses Moving from vulnerability to resilience in Africa Subsistence...

  112. 20-09-2014 Reclaiming denuded landscapes Emerging waterscapes From illegal logger to family farmer How territorial cooperatives carved an unconventional pathway Farming communities in living landscapes Sustaining our families and our landscape Listening and trust- the basis for working with forest and farm...

  113. 20-12-2014 Linking family nutrition in city and country Finding a way out of the maize Nutrition from innovation and taste from waste Guinea pigs - small livestock with big potential Food fairs revive local food and nutrition Will the Green Revolution really 'nutritionalise' Africa We've had enough of...

  114. 20-03-2015 Building up the carbon in farm soils From slash and burn to 'slash and mulch' Keeping composting simple Traditional fallows support resilient farming on semi-arid sandy soils "Healthy soils give family farmers autonomy, resilience and long-term productivity" Healthy soils are essential for...

  115. 20-06-2015 Community supported agriculture thriving in China Eqyptian youth challenge the city-country divide Growing a sense of place and community in Cape Town Between city and country: domestic workers build food sovereignty Threatened landscapes unite rural and urban communities "Urban agroecology - a...

  116. 20-09-2015 Water is the engine of change Protecting the paramo Farming for healthy urban tap water Water harvesting: nourishing the land, body and mind A technology to drastically save irrigation water Struggle and success in an inter-regional water conflict in the Peruvian Andes A watershed evolving From...

  117. 20-12-2015 Women forging change with agroecology Building autonomy through agroecology Bringing 'life' back to our food system SRI: A practice that transforms the lives of women Constructing autonomy, territory and peace Peasant women power in Mozambique Women drive alternative economies in the Himalayas...

  118. 20-03-2016 Strawberry fields forever Agroecology is an epistemological revolution Climate change seen through indigenous worldviews Rescuing our maize - building a network A farmer-NGO-scientist synergy Institutionalising dialogue in Rwanda through innovation platforms Co-creating the agricultural...

  119. 20-06-2016 Making millets matter in Madhya Pradesh Real solutions are in the diversity of food and farming Lupin regains ground in Central Ecuador Farmers' firm grip on diversity Heritage grains - digging our roots, planting our seeds Lining food choice with biodiversity Fair and sustainable expansion of...

  120. 20-09-2016 The true cost of food Seeing is believing - urban agroecological transition How peasants read their farm Short chains bring long-term gains Ideas and initiatives from the field Agroecology contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals New books on assessing impact of agroecology How to...

  121. 20-12-2016 Listening to pastoralists Pastoral Parliament - a platform to be heard and seen Migrant shepherds sustain pastoralism in the Mediterannean Pastoralists' breeds represent generations of knowledge Pastoralist women have the capacity to lead Adapting traditional land goverance in Somalia...

  122. 20-01-2016 Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources for family farmers - theory and practice Improving access to vegetable seeds for resilient family farms in Costa Rica Access and benefit sharing in participatory plant breeding in Southwest China Evolutionary populations - living gene banks in...

  123. 20-04-2017 Agroecology for food sovereignty Food versus the big city of Istanbul Human-centred agriculture fighting exploitation and racism Food sovereignty taking root in women's knowledge Locally rooted ideas and initiatives from the field The vitality of everyday food Food sovereignty stories from...

  124. 20-03-2018 Community supported agroecology thriving in China Farmers ensure safe water for New York City Agroecology is the way forward for Africa Organic and agroecology Women in Brazil build autonomy with agroecology Land grabbing threatens agroecology Rice Intensification in India Peasant agroecology in...

  125. 20-01-2020 In this issue: Agroecology and feminist economics The path to feminist agroecology The economic potential of agroecology in Europe The rise of rural women's movements in Southern Africa Care ethics in agroecology Highland agriculture Growing equity through agroecology in Uganda

  126. 01-01-1998 This publication considers the incredible impact in the 15 years of their existence. Throughout the text, those on theboard of ILEA anticipate the growth this organization will see in the coming years.

  127. 01-01-1989 This ILE|A workshop may be seen as a follow up of the workshop organized by the Institute for Development Studies, lDS, in Sussex, in June 1987: Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary methods. During the IDS workshop it was recommended that a number of regional meetings and workshops in...

  128. 01-01-1991 The ILEIA workshop made an important contribution to the emergence of operational approaches to sustainable agricultural technology development. A great number of cases and descriptions of field experiences has been compiled and assessed, existing networks on participatory technology development...

  129. 01-01-1992 This reader is a follow-up to that workshop. It is a collection of papers on the theme of assessing sustainability in agriculture. The collection is divided into four parts. Following an introductory theme paper (Part I), the papers in Part II discuss the conceptual framework for assessment. Part...

  130. 01-01-1997 This book is about farmers' own research. In many parts of the world, farmers are seeking ways to improve their farming systems and to adapt their practices to changing agroecological and socioeconomic conditions. The contributions to this book give evidence of how farmers adopt, adapt and...

  131. 01-01-1992 This is a book about farming. But, more than that, it is a book about farmers, about men and women farmers. It is seldom that farmers particularly those in the Third World - have an opportunity to make themselves heard. In this book, an effort has been made to give as much room as possible to the...

  132. 19-01-1991 This book is itself part of a continuing process of exchanging experiences about collaboration between farmers and outsiders in exploring paths to sustainable agricultural development. Out of the workshop on 'Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary Methods' conducted in July 1987 by the...

  133. 20-05-2016 Janneke Bruil and Jessica Milgroom Amplification of agroecological experiences is “the main challenge today”, in the words of former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, because of its many contributions to addressing challenges such as hunger, poverty, loss of...

  134. 20-05-2016 This report has been compiled by Janneke Bruil, Jessica Milgroom, Romée Marchand (all from ILEIA) with support from Daniel Moss (AEF). The Agroecology Learning Exchange was hosted in Uganda between May 10 and 13, 2016 by the AgroEcology Fund (AEF) and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa....

  135. 20-12-2022 ILEIA - Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture, had its start in 1984. It started from the observation that family farmers in remote, diverse and risk-prone farming conditions did not benefit from ‘modern’ agriculture based on external inputs: chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and...

  136. 20-03-2007 Jorge Chavez-Tafur, with Karen Hampson, Anita Ingevall and Rik Thijssen Much has been said and written in recent years about the need to document the experiences of the many different development initiatives taking place all over the world, and thus learn from the successes and failures....