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  1. 03-03-2022 Featured in this AN Playing with Water Wheels: Exploring Low-Cost Methods for Pumping Irrigation Water A 'Successful Failure': Introducting SALT Technology in Northern Thailand Virtual Training Opportunities- email us at echoasia@echocommunity.org

  2. 15-09-2021 Featured in this AN Establishing a Scaled-Up Black Soldier Fly System An Innovative 'Do-All' Biochar Burner Design

  3. 14-06-2021 African Swine Fever Virus: Overview and Prevention on the Small Farm [Editor’s Note: For questions, comments, or personal experience on this topic visit ECHOcommunity Conversations: African Swine Fever Virus] [Example] Small FarmBiosecurity Plan for the Prevention of African Swine Fever I Suspect...

  4. 01-03-2021 Featured in this AN Stingless Beekeeping (Meliponiculture) on Java [Editor’s Note: For questions, comments, or personal experience on this topic visit the echocommunity ‘conversations’ forum Meliponiculture: Stingless Beekeeping.] Production of Vegetable Fern (Diplazium esculentum Reytz.) Under...

  5. 14-12-2020 Featured in this AN The Martinez Airlift Water Pump Do All Parts of the Chaya Plant Contain Cyanide? Cyantesmo Paper for Detecting Cyanide

  6. 31-08-2020 Featured in this AN Mycorrhizal Fungi - Our Tiny Underground Allies Tomato Grafting in Southeast Asia: A Useful Technique for Rainy Season Production

  7. 29-05-2020 Featured in this AN Making On-Farm Pig Feed:Farm-Generated Formulas vs. Commercial Feeds Join the ECHOcommunity.org Conversation about this topic- CLICK HERE! ECHOs from the Network: Integrated Pest Management on the Island of Bali Coffee Drying "Bunk Beds for Vegetable Production"

  8. 13-03-2020 Featured in this AN A Snapshot of the ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center & Seed Bank Black Soldier Fly System of the FrangipaniLangkawi Organic Farm

  9. 29-11-2019 Featured in this AN State of Land in theMekong Region - Brief Highlighted Resources from the Asia Agriculture & Community Development Conference Research Update:Heavy Metal Uptake in Tire Garden Planters

  10. 30-08-2019 Featured in this AN Backyard Vermicomposting Systems: Examples from Myanmar New Book Spotlight: Animal Integration and Feeding Strategies for the Tropical Smallholder Farm

  11. 15-05-2019 Featured in this AN: Refugee Camps asMicrocosm: Restoration & Sustainability in anAccidental City Low-Cost Natural Building Options for Storing Seed in Tropical Southeast Asia

  12. 15-02-2019 Featured in this AN: Gracious Greetings from the New Regional Director of ECHO Asia Preventing Insect Damage of Stored Seed Using Low-Cost Control Options Rice Hull Gold: 10 On-farm Uses of Rice Hulls

  13. 31-10-2018 Featured in this AN: Soil Amendments for Healthier Soils The Value of a Seed: Growing a Network of Community Level Seed Banks in Asia Is it possible to never (or rarely) need to shop for meat again? Book Review : Secret Livestock of Survival

  14. 30-05-2018 Featured in this AN: Livestock Integration on the Tropical Smallholder Farm Putting Biochar to use at the Edge: Quality, Soils, and Measurement

  15. 12-12-2017 Conference Proceedings The 6th Biennial ECHO Asia Agriculture and Community Development Conference Editors’ Note In an effort to expand the dissemination of technical materials and best practices presented during this year’s ECHO Asia Agriculture & Community Development Conference, the ECHO...

  16. 11-12-2017 Featured in the AN: An Innovative, Inexpensive, Environmentally Friendly Method to Pasteurize Mushroom Media in the Tropics Using a Styrofoam Box Op-Ed: Forage Plants for Improved Human Development

  17. 15-08-2017 Featured in this AN: Inexpensive Mass Propagation Techniques for Introducing Improved Potato Varieties in the Tropics Comparing Locally Available Waste By-Products as Feedstocks forGasifier Cook-Stoves Book Review:Sustainable Agro-Watershed Management ECHO Asia "Improving Lives" Agriculture &...

  18. 08-06-2017 Feed Options for Ruminants in the Tropics Creating a Low-Cost Seed Dryer for Local Seed Banks

  19. 02-02-2017 Soils of Mainland Southeast Asia Permaculture in Development Book Review: The Independent Farmstead

  20. 15-10-2016 Diagnosing Crop Nutrient Deficiencies in the Field A Primer of Coffee Harvesting and Processing Book Review: Perennial Vegetable Gardening

  21. 15-07-2016 Farm-Generated Feed: Chicken Feed Production Seed Saving in the Tropics: Lessons Learned from the Network Book Review: The Seed Garden

  22. 01-03-2016 Soil Microorganisms: What They Do and How to Measure Them Constructing an Improved Cold Room for Seed Storage Corrections and Notes from AN 26 Book Review: Eat Your Greens

  23. 20-09-2015 Making and Testing an Alternative Herbicide for Smallholder Applications An Introduction to the Mound, Reservoir, and Paddy Model of Water Management Options for Smallholder Farms: Water Management Design Principles A Small Farm Water Management Case Study: Fighting Climate Change and Promoting...

  24. 01-08-2015 Bringing Balance and Caution to Tropical Forage Crops Farm-Generated Feed: Hog Feed Production Book Review: Shifting Cultivation and Environmental Change Book Reivew: Where There is No Animal Doctor ECHO Asia Note 24 Correction A Letter from the Director: Call For Articles, Insights

  25. 15-06-2015 Neem for Sustainable Pest Management and Environmental Conservation Tricho-Composting in Bangladesh

  26. 15-02-2015 Working With Farmers in Malaysia The Use of Tropical Forages for Livelihood Improvement in Southeast Asia: A Focus on Livestock

  27. 15-10-2014 Letter from the Editor A Low-Cost Concrete Ring Aquaponics System Lessons Learned from Cement Ring Aquaponics Systems in Northern Thailand Selections From the ECHO Asia Seed Bank Book Review: Edible Leaves of the Tropics

  28. 15-06-2014 Note from the Editors Observations of SRI in Nakorn Sawan, Thailand Increase Yields and Save Money with Innovative SRI Tools SRI Roller Planting Marker SRI Transplanting Tools Learning from Farmers Important Contacts from this AN Seeking Applications for ECHO Asia’s National Volunteer Program

  29. 15-03-2014 Farm-Generated Feed: Fish Feed Production Producing the Biocontrol Fungi Trichoderma and Beauveria

  30. 15-12-2013 Running a Diesel Engine on Biogas Research Note: Creating an Optimum Potting Mixture for Resource-Constrained Growers

  31. 15-09-2013 The Participatory Approach: Illustrations from Experience New Seed Bank Additions

  32. 15-05-2013 Sustainable Decentralized Water Treatment for Rural and Developing Communities Using Locally Generated Biochar Adsorbents An Introduction to Bokashi Fertilizers and Soil Amendments

  33. 20-03-2013 A Toolkit of Resilient Agricultural Responses to Climatic Challenges in Tropical Asia How to Facilitate Seed Exchanges During Country Meetings or as a Single-Day Event

  34. 01-10-2012 Demystifying Soybean Production and Marketing: Our Experience in Laos Soil Quality Assessment: Why and How

  35. 01-07-2012 Vacuum Sealing vs. Refrigeration: Which is the most effective way to store seeds? The Crop Genetic Pump: A Possible Task for NGOs

  36. 01-04-2012 Vegetable Production Throughout the Rainy Season Three Cheers for Job's Tears: Asia's Other Indigenous Grain Electronic Resource Library

  37. 01-01-2012 Seed fairs: Fostering local seed exchange to support regional biodiversity Strengthening Informal Indigenous Seed Systems in Southeast Asia

  38. 01-10-2011 Testing Seed Viability Using Simple Germination Tests

  39. 01-07-2011 The Use of Green Manure/Cover Crops for Relay Cropping in Northern Thailand

  40. 01-04-2011 Biochar - An Organic House for Soil Microbes Preparation of Modified Mat Nurseries cd3wd: A Digital Treasure Trove

  41. 01-01-2011 Zanthoxylum: A Low-Profile Asian Crop with Great Potential Build Your Own Seed Germination Cabinet for Testing Seed Viability

  42. 01-10-2010 Charcoal Production in 200-Liter Horizontal Drum Kilns An Introduction to Wood Vinegar Tropical Agriculture Workshop

  43. 01-07-2010 The Recent Introduction of Niger Seed (Guizotia abyssinica) Production in Northern Thailand Gardening without Digging World List of Seed Sources: FAO plant materials search engine Tropical Agriculture Workshop

  44. 01-04-2010 Agriculture Components for Small Institutions: Realistic Expectations and Best Practices Asian Plant Name Databases

  45. 01-01-2010 The Amazing Effects of Rice Straw Preserving Bamboo with Borates ECHO Agricultural Conference for Northeast India

  46. 01-10-2009 Micro-Hydro in Myanmar and Thailand Crotalaria juncea, a promising green manure crop for the tropics

  47. 01-07-2009 Lessons Learned from the Spread of SRI in Cambodia SRI Practical and AV Material Webpage

  48. 01-04-2009 ECHO Comes to Southeast Asia The World Food Situation Amaranth Potential for the Highlands of Southeast Asia Grown in Asia - Lesser Known Crops of Significance Books, Websites and Other Resources