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  1. 25-01-2024 Symposium Shared Lessons, Technologies, and Experience Expand and Strengthen the ECHO East Africa Network Member Transformative Impact of Internships on Young Individuals Support the Mission of Work Through Partnership/Collaboration Upcoming Joint Symposium in Juba, South Sudan

  2. 31-08-2023 Adoption and Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations: Guidelines for Change Agents and Agencies Working with Traditional Agriculturalists Updates on the impact of maresha seeder on the small holder farmers of East Africa Principles of best practices for food drying employed by smallholder farmers

  3. 28-04-2023 Maasai Pastoralists: Practices, Culture, and Role in Tanzanian Society Combating Hunger Among Pastoralists Intervention Descriptions forFood Security in Pastoral Communities Ferrocement Grain Storage Impact assessment of perennial vegetable training on attendees at hospitals and clinics

  4. Food from the Wild Sweet Potato Promoting Biodiversity on Maize Smallholdings

  5. 02-03-2022 Symposium AmidCOVID 19 LILORocket Stove: a life-changing, clean & affordable energy Seed Bank Update:Hope in the Midst ofChallenges: Farmer Field School (FFS): A strategy of promoting Sustainable Integrated Agricultural Practices

  6. Families Benefited with Dairy Goats Project A Research Project:Packed Biogas in Bags Green Manure/ Cover Crops: jack bean

  7. 01-10-2019 Introduction to Soil Structure and Health Acidic Soils of the Tropics Testing and Replenishing your Soils Soil Texturing Flowchart

  8. Moving towards energy self-sufficiency: addressing challenges to biogas technology uptake for improving rural livelihoods Improving soil nutrients by planting Jack Bean Parthenium hysterophorus

  9. New seed to try: Banana Passionfruit Sweet Potato Varieties in East Africa Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in East Africa A Focus on Perennial Vegetables

  10. 01-01-2014 Linking Small Scale Farmers to Markets through a Value Chain Approach and the Role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) “Value chain” has recently emerged as a popular business and development concept. The growing integration of the global economy has provided the opportunity for...

  11. A Combination of Approaches to Conserve Soil and Water Tephrosia: A Multipurpose Tree for GM/CC, Soil Conservation and IPM

  12. 01-07-2013 Conservation Agriculture in East Africa: An Update What’s happening on ECHOcommunity.org? Telfairia pedata: Oyster Nut, Kweme or Zanzibar Oil Vine