Learning from Experience: A manual for organising, analysing and documenting field based information
Jorge Chavez-Tafur et al
The book describes an attempt to develop a method which will help people to document their experiences, focusing on the detailed description and analysis of a set of activities carried out in the field and their results and impact. The method has proved to be adaptable enough to be relevant for many different circumstances – it can be used to document single, short activities, projects, or for longer and more complex programs.
- ตีพิมพ์แล้ว: 2007
- ผู้ตีพิมพ์: ILEIA, Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture
- Dewey Decimal: 307.14
- ห้องสมุด ECHO: 307.14 TAF
- ห้องสมุด ECHO เอเชีย: RA.003