COMPAS - Newsletter for Endogenous Development Book 002 Ancient Roots, New Shoots - Endogenous Development in Practice
ตีพิมพ์แล้ว: 20-01-2003

In the course of mankind's history, several cultures, each with their own religion, worldview, scientific concepts and technologies, have emerged. The introduction of agriculture eventually resulted in the building of towns, the emergence of trade, as well as writing and accounting, the development of specialised professions, scientific discoveries, and schools. Several early civilisations reached high degrees of sophistication and influence, especially in the Middle East, Mediterranean, Sounth Asia, and China. Later, the Greek-Roman, Mayan, Inca, Arab, and western cultures gained influence. The rise and fall of civilisations, with their domination, control, and exchanges of cultures and technologies, seems to be a phenomenon of all times through-out the world.