A Timely Message for all Females-Mothers, Youngsters, Singles. In every age, in every circumstance, women remain women. Like Leah, unattractive women still clutch desperately at any means of holding the man they love; and like Leah's beautiful sister Rachel, beautiful women still feel life owes them romance and happiness-just because they're beautiful. Now Eugenia Price's perceptive analysis of the extremely human stories of Bible women can help modern women everywhere to get a stimulating, provocative, satisfying perspective on their own personal lives.
- ตีพิมพ์แล้ว: 1964
- ผู้ตีพิมพ์: Harper & Row, Publishers
- ISBN-10: 006104329
- ISBN-13: 978-0310313014
- Dewey Decimal: 242.64
- ห้องสมุด ECHO: 242.64 PRI Staff