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We have come a long way on the path of development, which we can be proud of. But development comes with a huge cost in terms of its effect on environment, climate and communities. Farmers, already a vulnerable lot, become more vulnerable when they have to deal with the aberrations in climate, markets and life in general. It is important to strengthen their adaptive capacities and find ways to deal with such situations and become resilient.

Farm resilience is not just about specific technology, like the drought or flood resistant varieties, or is it about a package like ‘climate smart farming’. It is also about building capacities of farmers, building social capital, recognising traditional knowledge and reducing dependency on external inputs and so on. A self reliant farm is also a resilient farm. In this issue, you can find several examples where communities are encouraged to practise farming with low external inputs and include diversity, to build farm resilience. The support of external agencies and policy support, however play a crucial role.

Also, in the changing climate and market scenario, some innovative farmers are exploring ways to deal with vulnerabilities and are leading change rather than feeling as victims of change. They are serving as role models adopting methods of farming which are in sync with nature and motivating others to follow. They are the hope for the present and future of farming and the environment.
