ทรัพยากรหลัก10-11-1992 This book covers the theory and principles of animal nutrition, with a chapter on each of the main nutrient groups, and applies it to economic production of cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants in hot climates. The contents include topics on food intake, grazing and browsing, feeding fibrous...
This book discusses advances in sheep and goat medicine. It covers such topics as clinical nutrition, breeding, ventilation, diseases, and routine sheep and goat procedures.
The 9th Revision of this essential reference presents new knowledge about the nutritional needs of swine that consider such factors as growth rate, carcass leanness, gender, health, environment, and repartitioning agents. New sections are presented on requirements for amino acids and other...
These proceedings focus on the finer points of nutrition and areas ofresearch. They discuss concepts and hypotheses that often deviate from previous ideas and suppositions.
01-01-1946 Both the scienfitic and practical facts relating to poultry feeding are presented in this book. Information dealing with poultry nutrition is quite extensive. This book is designed to meet the needs of poultry students, practical poultrymen, feed dealers, and all other persons interested in...
01-01-1977 Nutrient requirements and signs of deficiency and toxicty, where known, are presented and discussed. Requirements for growth, maintenance, gestation, and lactation are presented in tabular form.
01-01-1966 This book is intended to be an introduction to the study of the nutrition of farm animals. Although it is written primarily for agricultural students, it is hoped that it will be useful for students of veterinary science and allied subjects, and also for agricultural advisers and progressive...
01-01-1961 In this edition, particular emphasis is placed on the new developments in animal nutrition and stock feeding, such as antibiotic, arsonic, and sufractant supplements and the use of hormones.The book includesthe essentials of feeding, care and management of farm animals, including poultry.
01-01-2016 Since 1944, the National Research Council (NRC) has published seven editions of theNutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. This reference has guided nutritionists and other professionals in academia and the cattle and feed industries in developing and implementing nutritional and feeding programs...