1. 20-01-2011
  2. 20-01-2011
  3. So you are thinking of ordering some ECHO Asia seeds...but you still have a few questions! Please scroll down and see if we have answered your question below. If not, please feel free to contact us at asiaseeds@echonet.org and we will do our best to respond. THE SEED BANK Is the ECHO Asia Seed...
  4. 08-04-2020 ขณะทีผมเดินไปในฟารมกับคุณ Tuntun ในชนบทของพมา ผมแทบจะอดยิมไมไดเพราะเขาไดนำเสนอถานชีวภาพทีเขาผลิตและใชในปุยสำหรับการปลูกตนกลาผลไมใหผมดูอยางภาคภูมิใจ แทนทีจะทำการเผาถาน ในตอนนีเขาไดใชวัสดุของเสียอินทรียจากฟารมเพือเปลียนใหกลายเปนทรัพยากรอันมีคาซึงสามารถใชผลิตพืชผลไดมากขึน แทนทีจะตองสูญเสียคารบอนไปสู...
  5. 31-05-2020
  6. 13-03-2020 Featured in this AN A Snapshot of the ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center & Seed Bank Black Soldier Fly System of the FrangipaniLangkawi Organic Farm
  7. 01-01-2021
  8. 29-10-1997 Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), we all know, is the proud owner of the distinction "Tree of Life." The tree provides mankind with food, shelter, furniture, novelty items, fuelwood, household implements, and important industrial products. In the Philippines, the decade of the 80's saw lumber from...
  9. Coconut wood has been proven to be a good substitute for many conventional woods. Like conventional wood, the coconut stem is durable, sturdy and versatile and can often be used at a considerably lower cost. The cost of coconut wood is only about half – or a little more than half – the price of...
  10. Abstract, Asian-Australas Journal of Animal Science, 2016 This study was designed to examine the characteristics of sawdust and cocopeat bedding materials, including physicochemical properties (Exp. I) and on-farm trial (Exp. II). In Exp. I, the proportion of particle size was in the order of...