1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #4 Working together with Thai Care, the children's ministry of the Rain Tree Foundation, Meribah Ram Pump is engaged in various community development projects in northern Thailand. A major focus is to make simple, sustainable technology, such as ram pumps and...
  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #7 ภาษาไทยอยูระหวางการแปล จะดำเนินการอัพโหลดเรวๆ นีคะ
  3. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #9 ภาษาไทยอยูระหวางการแปล จะดำเนินการอัพโหลดเรวๆ นีคะ
  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #8 ภาษาไทยอยูระหวางการแปล จะดำเนินการอัพโหลดเรวๆ นีคะ
  5. In China’s rural areas, most villages do not have electricity, and commercial fuels like kerosene and coal are expensive. Thus the rural population still relies heavily on biological sources of energy. Fuelwood and crop residues (mostly straw) account for 80% of rural household energy use and 54%...
  6. 22-05-2017 A brief introduction to ECHO Asia and the services we provide to our network members!
  7. 23-05-2017 An introduction to biochar What it is What it does How to use it!
  8. 23-05-2017 An introduction on how to make biochar.
  9. 23-05-2017 As rainfed crops are particularly vulnerable to drought as well as heavy rain, farmers must prepare dryland farming solutions for resilient and sustainable crop production.
  10. 22-05-2017 Hands-on demonstration- how to make Trichoderma and Beauveria