1. The brooder is heated by a regular electric light bulb, placed under the brooder floor. Depending on the temperature rise required, the wattage of the light bulb will have to be chosen by experimentation. The metal floor and roof prevent predators such as rats from entering the brooder. If...
  2. 01-01-1990 Because chickens and ducks can utilize surplus grain, table scraps, garden trimmings, and by-products, they can provide a valuable food reserve. Some farming communities produce more grain than their people need. Of course the excess could be sold, but if not, it can be fed to poultry. Then, if...
  3. 12-01-1987 Environmentally Sound Improvement of Livestock Management Farmer participatory research Traditional resource use by cattle keepers Integration of livestock and crops in a smallholding Poultry keeping Animal first aid workers Local knowledge
  4. 19-10-1992 Donkey power to the women Interviewing cows Policies promoting pastoralists Holistic resource management Livestock fertiliser factories Nutrient cycle Poultry in the backyard Animal traction Do-it-yourself vet services
  5. Abstract, FAO, 1999 Some of the wide range of feed materials suitable for poultry in developing countries is listed in the order of their availability to small holders. Most are already fully utilised. A simple method for determining the amount of feed material available in a region for a chicken...
  6. Contains information on raising poultry in English and Spanish.
  7. Cows and maize are often the first images that come to mind when thinking about farms, but many non-traditional types of farms also exist. Ostrich farming is one type of agriculture that can have many advantages. The ostrich (Struthio camelius) is a member of the ratite family (flightless birds)....
  8. The aim of this manual is to describe briefly the most commonly diagnosed poultry diseases. It is not intended as an up-to-date review of literature, as this can be found in other books. It is written in a way that can be understood by persons without formal veterinary training, inclluding the...
  9. 01-01-1959 1,103 pages, illustrated, photos
  10. 01-04-1963 This pulication includes information for the identification of Blackhead for poultry.BLACKHEAD of Turkeys and Chickens: How to Control It also includes information including losses from Blackhead, how birds get it, signs of the disease, where to bet a diagnosis, how to handle an outbreak, and its...