Tropical Forage Plants cover the research and resulting pasture development in the tropics and subtropics, which has undergone dramatic changes in the past few decades. Providing a broad global perspective, it serves as a comprehensive resources covering a wide range of subjects pertaining to...
01-03-1986 Of the more than 200 tropical food plants grown during the past five years at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens' Tropical Food Demonstration Garden, relatively few possessed the combination of characteristics necessary to thrive in average home gardens here. Those species selected for this...
01-01-2000 Nearly three hundred full-color photographs complement a tour of the most beautiful gardens of Hawaii, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Bali, presenting a wide array of public and private gardens along with a detailed discussion of garden design, plant selection, history, and...
This book deals with useful plants of neotropical origin, i.e., plants which have been cultivated in Southern and Central America as well as their wild relatives. Quite a number of these trees and bushes have "conquerred" the world as early as 400 years ago and are nowadays of utmost importance...
How to prevent Root and Crown Rot of Strawberry Avoid stress: Take runner tips at the right stage to avoid stress and make plants less susceptible Avoid extreme temperatures and water levels in rootzone Avoid overhead irrigation, since it seems to increase disease development Provide balanced...
19-01-1975 Pgs 420: illust Gift of Wanda Krolikowski March, 2023 The standard landscape plant manual for Florida now revised and expanded!This is the revised and expanded version of the book that has long been the standard landscape plant manual for Florida. The authors have included 70 additional native...
ทรัพยากรหลัก01-01-2002 Tropical Tree Seed Manual is a one-volume reference manual for students, technicians, and scientists that provides comprehensive, internationally compiled data about tropical trees. The emphasis is on species of the Americas; however, a number of tropical tree species from other countries are...
01-01-1988 This book is intended to be a visual dictionary of the plants usually seen when one visits a tropical rea in the United States or elsewhere in the world.
01-01-1960 This book contains pictures of the flowers arranged alphabetically in the first part of the book then flowering trees in the second half. All pictures are accompanied with plant names and descriptions. 64 pages, photos
This booklet is designed to help people identify which plants are best suited for specific tropical sub climates. Each section describes the uses, methods of cultivation, advantages, and disadvantages of five of the best plants for that region. In English and Spanish No page numbers