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816 รายการที่พบ (กำลังแสดง 1 - 10)
  1. This directory is intended to: contribute to the informed use of tree germplasm, which is an essential component of sustainable forestry and agroforestry practices, and promote wider use of quality germplasm. Quality has both a genetic and a physiological component, and both are described in the...  
  2. International seed company  
  3. CIMMYT works throughout the developing world to improve livelihoods and foster more productive, sustainable maize and wheat farming systems. Our portfolio squarely targets critical challenges, including food insecurity and malnutrition, climate change and environmental degradation. Through...  
  4. ( สามารถดาวนโหลด บทความนีเปนภาษาไทยไดตรงปุมดาวนโหลดสีเขียว) With support from USAID’s Horticulture Collaborative Research Support Program (Hort CRSP), Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization’s Asia Impact Center (ECHO Asia), Maejo University, Thailand, and the Pennsylvania State University...  
  5. The World Vegetable Center, an international nonprofit research and development institute, is committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables. They actively build networks and...  
  6. ทรัพยากรหลัก
    01-06-2010 Seeds naturally have a place in almost any endeavor having to do with agricultural development. Seeds of most food plants are small and, as such, are more easily transported and can be shipped longer distances than vegetative cuttings. For the farmer, seeds represent the promise of a continued...  
  7. ทรัพยากรหลัก
    22-03-2016 Yearly production of grains, pulses, and vegetables depends on a reliable supply of quality seed. This is true for the farmer growing a crop to feed their family as well as for the agricultural worker evaluating and growing out seeds of a new crop species or variety that could improve lives. In...  
  8. The research of the World Agroforestry Centre works towards more productive, diversified, integrated and intensified trees and agroforestry systems that provide livelihood and environmental benefits, including: Enriching the asset base of poor households through farm-grown trees. Maximizing the...  
  9. ทรัพยากรหลัก This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. คำนำและทีมา การเกบรักษาเมลดพันธุเปนวิธีหนึงทีชวยประหยัดงบประมาณ เพือจะไดมีเมลดพันธุไวปลูกในอนาคต และยังเปนการชวยรักษาความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพในโลกของเรา ไมวาเราจะปลูกเมลดทีเกบรักษาไวเอง หรือนำเมลดเหลานันไปแจกจายใหกับคนรูจักหรือเพือนบาน หรือการแจกจายผานทางองค...  
  10. ทรัพยากรหลัก
    01-01-2011 Often farmers asked for seed, but we weren’t quite sure what to expect when we suggested—to the farmers’ union in Nampula, Mozambique—that they organize a fair in which the members could come together and exchange seed. They might only be interested in “improved” varieties. However, when we...