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ECHO staff are often involved in the investigation of primary research questions in areas of sustainable agriculture techniques and practices. These publications are associated with various other institutions and therefore may be restricted to the access limits placed by those entities. The following is a list of external publications that have been authored or co-authored by ECHO staff members and published in peer-reviewed journals. The links lead to locations where abstracts can be accessed freely as well as some of the articles in full.

  1. Patrick J Trail,Tim N MotisandAbram J Bicksler Journal of Agricultural Studies, 2019, vol. 7, issue 1, 103-114 Abstract:While maintaining adequate levels of soil fertility can be a challenge on any farm, maintaining those levels on the resource-limited smallholder farms of the tropics requires...
  2. Sustainable Agriculture Research Elizabeth Langford, Patrick J Trail, Abram J Bicksler, Rick Burnette Abstract Smallholder farmers raising pigs in northern Thailand rely heavily on banana stalks as a fermented feed source, but struggle to reproduce banana plants fast enough to keep up with...
  3. Experimental Agriculture Croft, M., Bicksler, A., Manson, J., & Burnette, R. (2013). COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATE TROPICAL SEED STORAGE TECHNIQUES FOR GERMPLASM CONSERVATION IN MOUNTAINOUS SUB-TROPICAL CLIMATES WITH RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS. Experimental Agriculture, 49(02), 279-294. Summary...
  4. Acta Horticulturae -- Bicksler, A. J., T. Cantril, S. Siem, and K.W.Thompson
  5. Jani, A., Motis, T., Longfellow, J., Lingbeek, B., & D’Aiuto, C. (2022). Continuous cropping legumes in semi-arid Southern Africa: Legume productivity and soil health implications.Experimental Agriculture,58, E15. doi:10.1017/S0014479722000138 Legume agronomic research in Southern Africa has...
  6. Motis, T.N. and H.D.Sobetski. 2024. Criteria for selectingMoringa oleiferacultivars for seed bank grow-out. Acta Hortic. 1394, 31-36. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1394.4 Keywords: branching, canopy, height-to-width, PKM-1, PKM-2, STX-2, cultivar Abstract: Maintaining varietal purity is an...
  7. Acta Horticulturae Bates, R., Gill, T., Bicksler, A., Meitzner Yoder, L., Burnette, R., & Ricciardi, V. (2011, June)Designing strategies and systems to identify, preserve and promote underutilized indigenous crop species. In II International Symposium on Underutilized Plant Species: Crops for...
  8. Abstract,ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1253, 2019 T.N. Motis, S.M. Reader Keywords: biomass, fertility, input, organic, inorganic, nutrients, tree Moringa (Moringa oleifera) produces edible, nutrient-rich leaves useful for the alleviation of malnutrition. A trial was conducted in southwest Florida...
  9. Experimental Agriculture (2022), 1–14doi:10.1017/S0014479722000023 Patrick Trail, Timothy Motis, Stacy Swartz, and Abram Bicksler Keywords: Seed Saving; Seed Banking; Vacuum Sealing; Desiccants; Zeolite Drying Beads; Community Seed Banks; Calcium Oxide Seeds maintained by local, community seed...
  10. Agronomy for Sustainable Development Brian Lawrence, Abram Bicksler, Kimberly Duncan Abstract : Prevention of pests while maintaining viable seed during storage is often challenging for smallholder farmers in the tropics and subtropics. Investment in costly technologies or storage equipment is...
  11. Farming Matters Magazine -- Burnette, R. and A. Bicksler (2016) -- In recent decades, resource challenged hill tribe farmers and gardeners in northern Thailand have recognised the importance of various threatened species that yield non-timber forest products.Conserving these species in...
  12. Fine Focus (2024), 10. DOI: Grace J. Miller, Kaley Necessary, Robert Burchell , Yui Iwase, Nicole L. Lautensack, Blake Russell, Erik G. Holder, Emma E. Knee, W. Matthew Sattley Keywords: Moringa oleifera, Moringa stenopetala, antibacterial, plant extract,...
  13. Authors: T.N. Motis, J.M. Longfellow, A.D. Jani, B.J. Lingbeek, C.J. D'Aiuto, J.C.J. Bergen Keywords: Moringa oleifera, intercropping, legumes,Vigna unguiculata,Canivalia ensiformis,Cajanus cajan,Lablab purpureus, alley cropping DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1158.11 Abstract: In Limpopo Province...
  14. Abstract, 2013, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development -- Gill, T. B., Bates, R., Bicksler, A., Burnette, R., Ricciardi, V., & Yoder, L. (2013). Strengthening informal seed systems to enhance food security in Southeast Asia.J. Agric., Food Syst., Commun. Dev,3,...
  15. Acta Horticulturae (2016) -- Bicksler, A.J., R.M. Bates, R.R. Burnette
  16. International Journal of Development Research (2015)

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