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Abstract, Department of SoilScience,University of Sriwijaya, 2018

Growingricehadbeendonepreviouslybyapplyingcrumblecompostonthefloatingraftbutpart of compost was lost through runoff, so briquettes compost needs to be buried in soil. The aims of this researchweretofindouttheeffectsofbriquettes compostandliquidfertilizer onriceandsoilandplant nutrients content. Briquettes compost and liquid fertilizer were made of water mimosa (Neptunia prostrateLam.). Briquetteswere appliedatratesof(0,10,20and30)tonha-1 andliquidusedat(0 and 20) ml clump-1 . This experiment used Factorial Randomized Block Design. Briquette compost was made by mixing compost with starch and the application was by inserted into the soil. Liquid fertilizer was made from extracted compost and the application was sprayed on plant leaves. Results showed that the application of Briquette compost (10 ton ha-1) increased (0.34%) P and (1.88%) K plant contents significantly, compared to the control treatment were only (0.09%) for P and (1.38%) for K plant contents. Combinationofbriquettescompost(20tonha-1 )andliquidfertilizer(20mlclump-1 )increased dried weight rice significantly to (4.55 ton ha-1 ) from (1.58 ton ha-1 ) for control treatment. Briquettes compostinsertedintothesoilhad increasednutrientsPandKabsorbedduetomorecontactbetween roots and nutrients and produced more rice yield.

Keywords: briquette, compost, fertilizer, floating, liquid