1. Access Agriculture Training Video Weather Underground is the name of a weather app which is easy and free to download on your cell phone. The app makes weather forecasts every day for a week. The data is updated constantly if you have an Internet connection. Available languages Arabic Aymara...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video The clod breaker is a simple wooden tool made out of a cylindrical log with iron spikes. It can be pulled by animals or even by an adult person. By driving the clod breaker over your field in opposite directions, the soil will become loose, aerated and absorb...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Zero-grazing is where fodder is cut and carried to cows which are kept in stalls. It is suited to where land is scarce. When the manure that the cows produce is mixed with water it can provide the fuel for a biogas plant. The mix of methane and carbon dioxide can...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed management can increase yields by more than 50%, but usually takes a lot of time. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile investing in labour-saving weed management tools. In this video you can learn how to control weeds in lowland rice using the...
  5. 14/12/2020 Featured in this AN The Martinez Airlift Water Pump Do All Parts of the Chaya Plant Contain Cyanide? Cyantesmo Paper for Detecting Cyanide
  6. Water pumps have long been a key component of the small-scale farm and are valuable labor-saving devices that offer a variety of practical applications. Pumps ofdifferent types are regularly used for water storage & filtration, irrigation, aquaculture systems, and more. While convenient and...
  7. As I studied more about Moringa seed, I learned that its valuable edible oil and this led me to start researching ways of extracting the oil. There are commercial chemical extractions, but these are too costly for the tribal people we work with. There are also cold and warm commercial presses,...
  8. Key Resource 01/01/2002 A composting toilet is any system that converts human waste into compost through the natural breakdown of organic matter. The photo above shows a composting toilet from the late 1800’s. Composting toilets provide a sanitary method to recycle human waste while conserving water and protecting the...
  9. Key Resource 01/01/2001 Often the biggest challenge faced by a tropical farmer is not in the production of a crop but rather in the preservation of the crop. Farmers may want to preserve a crop for future consumption or for sale at a time when the market will offer a higher price. Using a solar dehydrator is a simple,...