02/02/2016 A reflection on the current situation concerning rural agriculture and community development in Myanmar, as well as some possible considerations for moving forward.
02/02/2016 The history and potential of utilizing green manure cover crops (GMCCs) in sustainable small-scale agriculture. In this talk, Dr. Win also shares Yezin’s research on the GMCC Gliricidia.
02/02/2016 A brief overview of the history of ECHO Asia, its purpose and goals, and the services it offers to development practitioners working in Asia.
02/02/2016 In this talk Boonsong presents two appropriate techniques for sustainable land use: foundations for farming (a method of conservation agriculture) and gasifier stoves (which help produce biochar that can be used as a soil amendment). Boonsong gives step-by-step principles and methods for each.
02/02/2016 In this talk, Kittichai gives an overview of integrated pest management (IPM) and one IPM technique, the use of fungi beuveria as a natural insecticide. Kittichai shares how beuveria can be replicated and used in community development projects
02/02/2016 A presentation on utilizing local food knowledge in the context of community development. The need for agrobiodiversity and the potential of “neglected and underutilized species” to address current problems. This presentation also discusses methods for surveying and identifying underutilized...