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Edible: Leaves, Tea, Seeds, Vegetable, Caution, Pods, Flowers, Root

A cabbage family herb. It is an annual plant or it can take 2 years to complete its life cycle. The stem is erect. It grows to 60 cm high. It has a rosette of leaves near the base. The leaves vary in shape and are toothed along the edge. The upper leaves are smaller, sword shaped and without stalks. The flowers are white. They are in clusters at the ends of branches. The fruit is a flat, triangular, pod.

It grows in temperate and subtropical places. In Nepal it grows to 4,800 m altitude. It grows best in moist soils. It grows in higher rainfall areas. It is resistant to frost and drought. It survives the winter snow. In Zimbabwe it grows between 1,490-1,920 m above sea level. In Yunnan. In Sichuan.

Common Names: Shepherd’s purse, A zu o qi, Badman’s Oatmeal, Bhursa di picararu, Bicibici, Bit otu, Bo bo lei zhu, Bo guo guo, Bolsa de pastor, Borsa del pastore, Camarak, Capsell, Chalne, Chamso, Chamsure jhar, Cha-tsho-thamh, Chhyamachhyaru, Chibotey, Chinese cress, Chiri halian, Chmso, Chorrontelas, Cimlik, Coban cantasi, Cocowort, Derelahanasi, Devanaeras, Didicai, Entanenga, Erba de poute, Gjetertaske, Hiirekorv, Insalata selvaggia, Ireqerece, Jag-jag, Jangli sarson, Kazayagi, Kazbagsi, Kokoska pastusi tobolka, Kralmund, Kusayagi, Kusekmegi, Kuseppegi, Kuskus, Lady's purse, Laihyane, Leylek biti, Medik, Mother's heart, Naengi, Naeng-i, Nana shuwaan, Nanchevik, Nazuna, Non mircikon, Odelia, Pastariz, Pasztortaska, Pironek, Pirxalack, Qi, Raslet, Rusomaca, Sarmay, Shamsho, Shepherd's heart, Simlik, Sog-karpu, Sokapa, Sokawa, Sumacka, Surlin, Surljan, Surljen, Susanka, Tori ghans, Tori jhar, Traista ciobanului, Triskiaute, Ts’its’mat’ura, Tstapashar, Tuntkya, Water chestnut vegetable, Zengil zava, Zijisuana, Zvakide


Thlaspi bursapastoris L. for more than 250 synonyms, see Index Kewensis.