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ILEIA’s contribution to upscaling agroecology

  • Since December 1984 ILEIA produced 127 issues of Farming Matters
  • ILEIA collaborated in magazine making with twelve regional partner organisations
  • Together the magazines are produced one global, five regional and seven local language editions and in eleven languages
  • The magazines are read in every country of the world (according to Google)
  • Together they reach (substantially) more than a million readers per quarter, in digital and paper format
  • The total production cost per magazine per reader is less than one Euro
  • Since 1984 ILEIA collaborated with at least 2000 authors who contributed articles to Farming Matters
  • The outreach of their articles was up to 100 times higher than they would have got through a scientific journal
  • About 50 editors worked in ILEIA since 1984
  • Lastly, ILEIA worked with dozens of farmer philosophers, champions of agroecology, SRI, NPM, FMNR, and so on… Inspiring people whose contribution to sustainable development cannot be captured in simple figures and numbers.

136 Issues in this Publication (Showing issues 8013 - 8004) |

FM 2006 LEISA Magazine Vol 22 #4 - 20.12.2006

  • The System of Rice Intensification and its implications for agriculture
  • Managing pests through plan diversification
  • Powdered rock to revitalise soils
  • The Mambwe mound cultivation system
  • Managing organic resources for soil amendment
  • Conservation Farming in rural Zimbabwe
  • Improving the jhum system in Bangladesh
  • Ecological processes and farmer livelihoods in shaded coffee production
  • Farers' understanding of soil processes
  • SRI takes root in Nepal
  • SRI

FM 2007 LEISA Magazine Vol 23 #1 - 20.03.2007

  • Collective action for biodiversity and livelihoods
  • Keeping people on the land
  • The Lagos State Fish Farmers' Association
  • Development dilemmas and farmers' organisations
  • Organic Farming
  • FFS networks in East Africa
  • The Malabing Valley Multipurpose Co-operative
  • Farmer organisation and market access
  • Organised for preserving local seeds
  • A new vision for south east Marlborough, New Zealand

FM 2007 LEISA Magazine Vol 23 #2 - 20.06.2007

  • The role of trust in the acquisition of seeds
  • Local multiplication to ensure timely planting
  • Selecting the best plants to improve seed potato
  • Higher yields and income with disease resistant coffee clones
  • New bean seeds
  • Conserving the plant genetic resources of southern Africa
  • Community based seed supply in Sudan
  • Traditional seeds in Sri Lanka
  • Good quality seeds from farmers' seed clubs
  • Rehabiltating preferred rice varieties
  • Towards self-sufficiency in groundnut seed
  • The development of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration
  • Experimenting with the system of rice intensification in Iraq

FM 2007 LEISA Magazine Vol 23 #3 - 20.09.2007

  • Bringing agriculture and health workers together
  • Fighting AIDS with traditional foods and organic practices
  • The revival of an ancient crop
  • Seeking sustainable health improvements using orange-fleshed sweet potato
  • Child nutrition in Mexico under conventional and organic agirculture
  • Beating malnutrition with local crops and local food systems
  • Village poultry, food security and HIV/AIDS mitigation
  • Health concerns drive safe vegetable production in Vietnam
  • Reviving local health knowledge for self reliance in primary health care
  • Safer options for irrigated urban farming
  • Healthy vegetables in Trivandrum
  • It's time to ban highly hazardous pesticides
  • Certification of wild plant collection

FM 2007 LEISA Magazine Vol 23 #4 - 20.12.2007

  • Pest management
  • Ecological pest management
  • Traditional ecological management of late blight in potato
  • The theory of trophobiosis in pest and disease control
  • Plant clinics for healthy crops
  • Rats - an ecologically-based approach for managing a global problem
  • Changing the strategies of Farmer Field Schools in Bangladesh
  • Integrated pest control for empowering women farmers
  • Ecofriendly practices assist in controlling coconut mite
  • Keeping the brown plant hopper at bay with SRI
  • Multiple strategies on an organic farm in the Netherlands

FM 2008 LEISA Magazine Vol 24 #1 - 20.03.2008

  • Fair fruit trade
  • Exporting mangoes from Burkina Faso
  • Bolivian producers lobby for change
  • Improved shea butter trading through certification
  • Agroecological cotton and fair trade make the difference
  • Filipino handicrafts
  • Organic and fair trade products attract new customers
  • Corporate challenges to fairtrade
  • Direct trade that benefits poor communities in India and the UK
  • The Mexican network of organic markets
  • Participatory guarantee systems offer alternative certification
  • Building grower-consumer alliances for contronting the coffee crisis
  • Communication technologies support trade in Africa

FM 2008 LESIA Magazine Vol 24 #2 - 20.06.2008

  • Optimising nutrient cycles with trees in pasture fields
  • Talking soil science with farmers
  • Soil quality fand farm profitability
  • Cover crops do it all
  • Green manures
  • Micro-organisms
  • Feeding and watering the soil to increase food production
  • Soil rehabilitation starts with more efficient cookstoves
  • Traditional night-soil composting 
  • Changing attitudes to night-soil in Tanzania
  • Termites and mulch work together to rehabilitate soils
  • The successful intensification of smallholder farming in Zimbabwe

FM 2008 LEISA Magazine Vol 24 #3 - 20.09.2008

  • Addressing the conditions for getting out of poverty
  • Farmer field schools in traditional societies - from technical to social issues
  • Addressing the conditions for getting out of poverty
  • Social inclusion as a precondition of development in Nepal
  • Targeting women pays when promoting food security
  • Women break down barriers in Mali
  • Subsidised fertilizer
  • The free farmer union and their fight for land
  • Ugandan farmers grad marketing opportunities after conflict
  • Building an urban-rural platform for food security
  • Caring for the caregivers in Mozambique
  • People with learning difficulties develop confidence through care farming
  • Troubled youths in Indonesia practise farming as therapy
  • Visually impaired students grow better maize
  • Villages join hands to combat land degradation
  • Rice production gives hope to neglected villages

FM 2008 LEISA Magazine Vol 24 #4 - 20.12.2008

  • Farmers and sorghum in Nicaragua's northern region
  • Using radio to share farmers' adaptation strategies
  • Climate change
  • Climate field schools in Indonesia
  • Livestock and climate change
  • Adaptive agriculture in flood affected areas
  • Cultivating resilience - lessons from the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka
  • Partnerships for sustainability
  • Farmers' perceptions lead to experimentation and learning
  • The potential of community managed forest for carbon trade
  • Malawi's initiatives in response to climate change
  • Old methods for tackling new threats

FM 2009 LEISA Magazine Vol 25 #1 - 20.03.2009

  • Diversity and efficiency:  the elements of ecologically intensive agriculture
  • Seeds, knowledge and diversity in the hands of small-scale farmers in Honduras
  • Living the sustainable life - managing a dryland family farm
  • Making the most of underutilised crops
  • Improving livelihoods with underutilised trees
  • Agrodiversity for conservation and livelihood improvement
  • From silkworms to travelling potatoes
  • Successfully preserving national heritage in Japan
  • Spat irrigation

Ключові слова

Farming Matters
