Edible Portion:Buds, Shoots A slender bamboo. It has a creeping rhizome or underground stem. The culms are 8 m long and 3 cm across. They are green.The internodes are 12-16 cm long. They are slightly ribbed. The shoots are 20-30 cm long by 1.5 cm wide.
Edible Portion:Shoots A bamboo. It grows 20 m tall. The stems are 20 cm across. The internodes are 40 cm long. There are 2-4 leaves on the lastbranch. The leaf blade is 4-11 cm long by 1 cm wide.
Edible Portion: Leaves, Root, Shoots A small plant that keeps growing from year to year. The stems are 1 m long. They have a red tint. The leaves are long andnarrow. The flowers are small and are carried singly.
Edible Portion:Leaves as condiment, Flavouring, Spice A climbing or creeping herb. It can grow 1 m tall. The leaves are fleshy. The young leaves are often purple underneath. They are 3-8 cm long by 2-4 cm wide. The flowers are in greenish-yellow heads 2 cm long. The fruit are 5-6 mm long. A...
Edible Portion: Pod pulp A semi-evergreen tree. It loses some of its leaves in the dry season. It grows 20-30 m high. It spreads 5 m wide. The leavesare glossy olive green. They have a fringe of hairs along the edge. The leaves are made up of 14-42 leaflets. The flowers are inupright panicles....
Edible portion: Leaves A tree. It grows 5-25 m tall. The branches are 4 angled. The tips have a brown coating. The leaf stalk is 1-5 cm long and has a channel along it and is slightly hairy. The leaf blade is oval and 13-26 cm long by 6-14 cm wide. It is slightly hairy underneath. The flowers are...
Edible portion: Fruit, Leaves - Tea A small tree up to 5-7.5 m high. It is often a much smaller shrub. Branches often develop close to the ground. The branches are thin and wiry. It has attractive oval and pointed leaves. They are dark green and shiny. The leaves are 2.5-6 cm long by 1.5-3 cm...
Edible portion : Stem, Flowers, Fruit, Buds, Seeds, Roots A large herb. It grows 3-10 m tall. It keeps growing from year to year by re-growing new stalks from the underground root stock. The leaves are green and 3 m long. The flowers are purple. The fruit are pale yellow. They are 3 sided and 8...