یہ Event آپ کی زبان میں موجود نہیں ہے, میں دیکھنے: English (en),
یا گوگل کے ترجمہ کا استعمال کرتے:  
جنوری 15، 2018 شام 16:07 - جنوری 19، 2018 شام 16:07
ECHO Global Farm, United States of America
Presented By: ECHO
Registration CLOSED
Register Before:

جنوری 08، 2018 شام 16:09

Event Contact:

Bianca Basch (bbasch@echonet.org)

Those interested in preparing for short/long-term involvement in agricultural development internationally  are encouraged to participate in this one-week course held two times a year. Course participants will gain an introduction to aspects of poverty and community development and an orientation to ECHO. They will also receive instruction on proven agricultural principles/practices and practical techniques, systems and technologies to meet agricultural and nutritional needs of small-scale farmers facing livelihood challenges. There will also be time for hands-on work on the farm, visits with staff, and study in the library. Course content is presented from a biblical perspective. 

Who the course is for:

This course will especially benefit those who are considering short- or long-term involvement in international agricultural development work. It can also be of benefit to those who have been on the field doing development work for a few years but who would like to take a step back and re-evaluate their approach. Those who could benefit from this course include short-term or career missionaries, international project volunteers (e.g. Peace Corps), leaders of relief-oriented organizations, or missions committee leaders of churches involved in agricultural projects overseas. 

What is offered:

This course covers a broad range of topics relevant to those starting out in agricultural development in a tropical environment.  The purpose of this class is to expose you to several different ideas and concepts.  Although a significant amount of time will be spent looking at examples on the ECHO Farm, given the breadth of topics covered, extensive hands-on farm work should not be an expectation of taking this course.