Access Agriculture Training Video Grevillea robusta was originally introduced as a shade tree in the coffee and tea estates of East Africa. Now small-scale farmers use the tree in many ways as it does not interfere with crop growth. Uses include timber, fuelwood, leaf mulch, shade, and it serves...
10 اگست 1995 Science in Agroforestryprovides information on how science and research will imporve the sustainablitiy of agroforestry systems. The development of agroforestry systems should be based on four key features: competition, complexity, profitablility, and sustainability. The book includes these ideas...
01 جنوری 1983 The problems of firewood shortages and the promise of firewood plantations were described extensively in the first volume. No less than one-and-a-half billion people in developing countries derive at least 90 percent of their energy requirements from wood and charcoal. Another billion people meet...
Key Resource01 جنوری 1980 The problems of firewood shortages and the promise of firewood plantations were described extensively in the first volume. No less than one-and-a-half billion people in developing countries derive at least 90 percent of their energy requirements from wood and charcoal. Another billion people meet...
Key Resource28 دسمبر 1998 A tool for developing and applying the science of agroforestry to problems of natural resources conservation and sustainable agricultural development, this book examines the environmental and social conditions that affect the roles and performance of trees in field- and forest-based agricultural...
20 اپریل 2006 This book discusses various agroforesty options and how they are currently enhancing the traditional, forest-dependant livelihoods of uploand people
01 جنوری 1989 This kit was meant to help our forestry officers and technicians be effective in their role as extension workers for the upland dwellers. It is full of native know-how and skills that make life in the uplands more meaningful, profittable and ecologically sustainable. It is well prepared and if...
01 جنوری 1989 This paper begins with an overview of Ethiopian geography, climate, agriculture, vegetation, and soils. The following section contains a summary of the evaluations made on the trees studied; in that section research methods are stated. The final section of the main body of the paper is a review...
31 جولائی 1993 Agroforestry has come of age during the past fifteen years. During this period, activities and interest in agroforestry education and training have increased tremendously, as in other aspects of agroforestry development. Today, agroforestry is taught at the senior undergraduate and postgraduate...
01 جنوری 1993 In recent years, scientists and development specialist have discovered many previously neglected nitrogen-fixing trees with exciting potential to sustain and improve the oil, enhance crop production and provide valuable products. Prominent among the trees attracting increasing attention is the...