1. 15 ستمبر 2013 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #18 We are pleased to offer three new types of seeds (Cosmos, African Marigold, and Zinnia) at the ECHO Asia Seed Bank, none of which have been offered to our member network before. You will notice that these are not our “typical” ECHO seeds, because they are...
  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #12 In 2010 the ECHO Asia Impact C enter, along with lead partner, Pennsylvania State University, and Maejo University, was awarded a CRSP Horticulture Exploratory Project grant with major support from USAID. Entitled, "Strengthening Indigenous Informal Seed...
  3. 01 اکتوبر 2010 Charcoal Production in 200-Liter Horizontal Drum Kilns An Introduction to Wood Vinegar Tropical Agriculture Workshop
  4. 01 جولائی 2010 The Recent Introduction of Niger Seed (Guizotia abyssinica) Production in Northern Thailand Gardening without Digging World List of Seed Sources: FAO plant materials search engine Tropical Agriculture Workshop
  5. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #6 One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve and build soilfertility in any gardening situation is to use a method known as sheetmulching. Thick layers of mulch are placed directly on the soil,simulating the thick leaf litter and humus found in...
  6. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #5 Communicating technical information among different language groups is challenging. For example, despite being familiar with the scientific, English and Tagalog common names for eggplant, how might an Asian development worker know what the Indonesians call...
  7. 01 جنوری 2010 The Amazing Effects of Rice Straw Preserving Bamboo with Borates ECHO Agricultural Conference for Northeast India
  8. 01 اپریل 2009 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #1 What is the outlook for world food prices? In the immediate future (the next few months), some moderation in global food prices seems likely in response to very recent (since mid-2008) declines in world grain and energy prices. In the short-term (next 2 to 3...
  9. 01 اپریل 2009 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #1 Based on the experiences of CRWRC and its collaborating partnering organizations in East Africa, the introduction of grain and vegetable amaranths shows real potential for the highlands of Southeast Asia. Grain amaranth should be seen and managed as a high...
  10. 01 اپریل 2009 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #1 When ripe, the yellow and apricot-colored fruit of the marian plum (Bouea macrophylla Griff.) seem to glow among the tree's glossy green leaves. The ripe fruit of marian plum offers an edible, crisp skin and juicy flesh. Besides being eaten raw as a dessert...