1. Abstract, Biogeosciences, 2015 There are national and regional efforts aimed at increasing fertilizer use in sub‐Saharan Africa, where nitrogen (N) inputs must be increased by an order of magnitude or more to reach recommended rates. Fertilizer inputs increase N availability and cycling rates and...
  2. Abstract,Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability2014 Fodder trees are important feed sources for livestock in a wide range offarming systemsin Africa. Researchers, extension services and farmers have developed and promoted fodder tree practices in many different countries and contexts....
  3. FEAST To feed themselves and their families, and to benefit from increasing demand for livestock products in developing countries, livestock keepers must have access to good quality feed for their livestock. Feed availability is currently a major constraint to increasing livestock productivity...
  4. 25 نومبر 2018 The University of California, Davis has opened registration for Class IVof the African Plant Breeding AcademySMin collaboration with The African Union New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), The Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa...
  5. 20 جون 2016 Chemically healthy soil has a rich base of the nutrients that plants require for growth, primarily nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as well as elements such as zinc, copper, iron, chlorine, manganese, molybdenum and others, which are needed in small to very small amounts. These nutrients should...
  6. Abstract, Croton oil was extracted from dry seeds by a mechanical pressing machine then filtered to remove solid impurities. Biodiesel was prepared from the oil through a two-stage process in a biodiesel reactor. The optimum reaction conditions were determined by varying parameters such as...
  7. Abstract,Forest Policy and Economics, 2018 Trees that produce oilseeds have the potential to improve rural livelihoods through the production ofvegetable oilfor energy and other purposes, as well as valuable co-products, such as animal feed andorganic fertilizers. In Kenya,Croton megalocarpus...
  8. 13 اگست 2018 In Meru district where this project is offered, farmers grow bananas and coffee in the highlands, and maize and beans in the lowlands. Many are also involved in small commercial horticulture. They mainly depend on surplus for cash but primarily focus on food crops, growing vegetables for many...
  9. BORDA Africa is specialised in integrated decentralised sanitation solutions in the fields of wastewater, sludge and solid waste management. BORDA (Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association), founded in 1977, is a civil society expert organisation focused on the provision of essential...
  10. 20 اپریل 2018 In this issue: 1. Pastoralist symposium 2. Appropriate technology 3. ECHO EA seed bank updates 4.Parthenium 5. Upcoming events 6. News in brief