In this powerful new analysis of development stategies and projects, Thierry Verheist draws on his unrivalled experience of grassroots development in many different parts of the world. Published during the UNESCO Decade on Culture and Developmnet, his book argues that development is often seenby...
01 جون 2012 Dominating the daily news cycle today are the grim realities of grinding poverty, sex trafficking, gender discrimination, child soldiering, HIV/AIDS, failed states, corruption, and environmental breakdown. In the midst of such pain and brokenness, the followers of Christ cannot stand idly by, for...
Key Resource01 جنوری 2001 The church needs to recognize that productive economic activity is one of the many tools valuable of the Church. Economic development should be added to the "ministry toolbox" along with health, education, and other traditional ministry disciplines.
Investigates nonformal education programs in developing countries, viewing their potential as a vehicle for national growth through the training of farmers, small businessmen, and craftsmen.
Key Resource02 جولائی 2013 Ajulu explores how biblical ethics apply to the escalating challenges presented by entrenched and worsening poverty in communities around the globe. She combines theological reflection and first-hand knowledge of how communities experience the widely varied practices of what is commonly called...
ADF's first ten years have shown that African grassroots communities can design and implement projects to address their most basic needs for food, water, and jobs and that an agency of the US government can provide assistance directlyto these groups in a manner that is efficient and effective.