1. The RUAF Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems is a partnership of strategically selected expert institutions. The partnership brings together cities, research institutes and civil society organisations with a recognised track record in urban and peri-urban...
  2. The first comprehensive scientific analysis of how agrobiodiversity can make our vulnerable food system more resilient, sustainable and nutritious has been carried out by leading agrobiodiversity research centre Bioversity International. The 200-page guide provides solid evidence that investments...
  3. As of January 1, 2018, JAFSCD has become anopen access journal—freely readable by all, worldwide. TheJournal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development(JAFSCD) is an online, international, peer-reviewed publication focused on the practice and applied research interests of...
  4. 20 جنوری 2018 ‘The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ (TEEB) is an initiative hosted by United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), and coordinated by the TEEB Ofce in Geneva, Switzerland. ‘TEEB for Agriculture & Food’ (TEEBAgriFood) encompasses various research and capacity-building...
  5. The Food Climate Research Network conducts, synthesises, and communicates research at the intersection of food, climate, and broader sustainability issues. Based at the University of Oxford, we work to inform and connect stakeholders with a common interest in understanding and building...
  6. Foodsource is an open and expanding resource for information on sustainable food systems, led by theFood Climate Research Network (FCRN)at the University of Oxford, and funded by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. Its open-sourced resources are developed in collaboration with our partners...
  7. 15 جولائی 2019 Agroforestry is the agricultural practice of combining the management of annual crops and/or animals with trees. Agroforestry systems, largely composed of perennial crops, offer the resilience needed to address extreme climatic issues such as drought and torrential rain, along with social and...