15 نومبر 2017 For too long agriculture and nutrition have been separate sectors of development. Producing more food does not insure less child malnutrition in farm families. What are some practical high-impact actions that every family can do to have children who can survive and thrive? How can a development...
31 جنوری 2018 This article summarizes several of the plenary sessions presented at the 2017 ECHO conference in Florida. If you were unable to attend the conference, or would like to review some of the talks, many of them can be viewed on ECHOcommunity.Other 2017 presentations that appear there include...
TheAfrican Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development(AJFAND) is a peer reviewed scholarly journal. The journal is envisaged to enable dissemination and sharing of food and nutrition information issues on the continent. It taps social science, biochemical, food and nutrition related...
19 اکتوبر 1993 The following is abstracted from information provided by Noel Vietmeyer with the USA National Academy of Sciences which appeared in the June 1993 issue of Spore Magazine.. "Throughout the developing world boiled starchy grains and roots are given as weaning food.... Boiled starch is so thick and...
20 جنوری 2013 One of the world’s greatest challenges is to secure adequate food that is healthy, safe and of high quality for all, and to do so in an environmentally sustainable way. Using examples and case studies from around the world, this book explores the role of agricultural biodiversity as a safeguard...
Abstract, 2018,Diana V Luna-GonzálezandMarten Sørensen OBJECTIVE: Child undernutrition remains one of the greatest challenges for public health nutrition in rural areas in developing countries. Interventions aiming to increase and conserve agrobiodiversity seem to be promising alternatives to...
The Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) is the gateway to knowledge for Food and Nutrition Security. We act as knowledge brokers, connecting people and networks in business, science, civil society and policy to (co-)create, exchange and use knowledge for inclusive and ecologically...
Abstract, The Journal of Nutrition, 2002 Policies for protecting the nutrition of displaced people (including refugees) have evolved significantly since the sharp increase in numbers began in the 1970s. Food supplies have often been grossly inadequate, probably contributing to the very high...