06 جنوری 1991 This booklet grew out of a one day workshop. By learning to raise compost crops, diet crops and income crops in a 100 square foot bed, you can begin to understand what you will need to know in order to grow food for your diet, crops for a modest income, and the compost material to keep the soil...
01 جنوری 1987 Take this handy tool for pest identification right into your garden or use at home. Discover how you can use organic controls to rid yourself of pest problems. Large color pictures and descriptions of each pest and their life cycle help make identification easy.
01 جنوری 1993 The purpose of this book is to help only those who want to grow their own food organically, and won't plow through a dozen texts to learn the basics of organic gardening.
A complete garden reference on controlling insects and plant diseases without pesticides. Over 800 garden problems corrected, scores of garden plants considered, and many identifying drawings and helpful photographs. 2 Copies
A text composed of factual outlines, this teaching guide is designed in a simplified manner to help you interpret the organic method of gardening. The basic units are presented as chapters in outline form.