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  1. Organización: Hospitalito de Atitlán Spanish withTzutujil

  2. Organización: ODIM
  3. Organización: Hospitalito de Atitlán Spanish withQuiché

  4. Organización: ODIM

  5. Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social

  6. Organización: ODIM

  7. Spanish with Kaqchiquel Organización: Hospitalito de Atitlán

  8. 20-07-2013 Chaya is rich in essential nutrients Chaya leaves are an excellent source of a number of essential nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet. In fact, Chaya is more nutritious than many green leafy vegetables such as spinach, Chinese cabbage and amaranth. The leaves are very high in protein,...