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Whether you keep a single milk cow or care for a large herd, you’ll benefit from this comprehensive guide to calving. With expert advice gained from decades of hands-on experience, Heather Smith Thomas shows you how to effectively handle a variety of common situations likely to arrive before, during, and after calving. From spotting pregnancy issues and monitoring routine births to easing difficult deliveries and treating postpartum complications, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to safely handle a wide variety of calving procedures.

Chi tiết Ấn phẩm

  • Phát hành: 2008
  • Nhà Xuất Bản: Storey Publishing
  • ISBN-10: 1580177069
  • ISBN-13: 978-1580177061
  • Dewey Decimal: 636.2
  • Thư viện ECHO: 636.2 THO

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