COMPAS - Newsletter for Endogenous Development Book 018 Module on Indian Medical Pluralism: A Concept Presentation
Phát hành: 01-01-2004

Context of this Module:
- Global resurgence of the idea of medical pluralism. Around 40% of population is seeking health in a pluralistic way and is well accepted among lay people both in the developed world and the developing countries.
- Recognition of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) both in academic and legal systems in the developed world
- Public institutions have been slow to respond to public demand for pluralism
- Different systems have their own inherent strengths and this need to be appreciated and encouraged in a balanced way
- Integration of medical systems is a long way ahead, first step is to create mutual respect and understanding that could subsequently lead to collaborative research
- Collaborative research would further deepen the mutual understanding and integrated medical management approache