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Edible : Fruit

An evergreen tree. It can grow to 10-15 m tall. It has sharply pointed leathery leaves. Leaves are 10 to 15 cm long. They are dark green on top and lighter green underneath. There are 20-40 male flowers and 5-10 female flowers in a group. Fruit are 3-5 cm long and oval. The fruit skin is yellow, and with a warty appearance and a brittle texture. The fruit flesh is white and with several (1-3) large seeds.

A tropical plant. It suits the hot humid tropical lowlands. It grows naturally in the eastern Amazon in Brazil. It grows in dry forests and in sandy soils. The tree has salt tolerance. Heavy frosts can damage trees. In Colombia it grows up to 1,200 m above sea level

Other names :

Achachairu, Achachairucillo, Bacuri-espino, Bacuri-verdadeiro, Bacuri, Bohiajo-sha-a, Cerillo, Cero, Charichuelo, Cozoiba, Curupita, Fruta re mono, Guayabacoa, Impiquiritoqui, Jorco, Kontaka, Machari, Madrona, Madrone rheedia, Madruno, Majoro, Ocoro, Ontomemo, Palo de cruz, Pevicho, Pungara, Punkara muyu, Punkara yura, Satro, Shiquishi, Staca cundiacium, Tahuate, Trobo, Unkara yura, Warade, Wayampinim,


Calophyllum madruno Kunth;
Chloromyron verticillatum Pers.;
Rheedia acuminata (Ruiz & Pav.) Planch. & Triana;
Rheedia kappleri Eyma;
Rheedia madruno (Kunth) Planch. & Triana;
Rheedia rostrata Vesque;
Rheedia spruceana Engl.; ?
Verticillaria acuminata Ruiz & Pav.;
Verticillaria peruviana G. Don;


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