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Edible : Fruit

A tree. It grows to 15 m tall. The trunk can be 10-20 cm across near the base. The young branches are hairy. The leaves have stalks. The stalks are 2-4 cm long. The leaf blades are 8-29 cm long by 6-15 cm wide. They usually do not have lobes. They have fine teeth. They are softly hairy. They are pale green underneath. The female flowering stalk can be 6-12 cm long. The flower is greenish. The male catkins are in the axils of leaves in pairs. They are 4-8 cm long. The fruit is white or purple. They are sweet when ripe. They are 20 cm long.

A tropical plant. It grows in tropical and subtropical places. In Nepal it grows between 1000-2000 m altitude. It grows on open hillsides. In south China it grows in mountain forests between 1000-1300 m altitude but can be at lower and higher altitudes. Arboretum Tasmania.

Common names : Himalayan mulberry, Ayumasing, Bola, Dieng-bylliet, Himalayan tut, Hmubelbing, Kaimu, Kimbu, Kimu, King white, Kok mon, Momontsungthi, Mon laung, Nai sang, Pohon andalas, Pohon murbei kuning, Rokseng, Shahthooth, Shah-tut, Shahtoot, Siyah-tut, Tut,

Synonyms :

Morus laevigata Wall. ex Brandis;
Morus alba var. laevigata (Wall. ex Brand.) Bureau;

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