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For some it's about the product, for others it's about growth. Stuck on First helps you build a better business - one pitch at a time. Without a team, coaches and a plan you can't ever get off of 1st Base.Stuck on First is the perfect resource for Business owner who is looking to go from operator to owner. We share with you nine positions to make your business 'playoff ready' - ready to grow at will and make the business grow just like you want it to. By sharing this proven innovative method, Bryan's experience will share the key steps needed to get your business to the next level.


116 pages

Chi tiết Ấn phẩm

  • Phát hành: 2016
  • Nhà Xuất Bản: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Dewey Decimal: 658.8
  • Thư viện ECHO: 658.8 DUR