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Human and animal organisms require, for the proper operation of all of their physiological functions, a regular intake of some forty different dietary components.  If only one of these is missing or its supply is inadequate, deficiency symptoms appear which, if prolonged, can be fatal.  All of these componets of the diet are therefore indispensable for life, they comprise the actual energy-yielding, and body-building substances (protein,s fts, carbohydrates, animo-acis, mineral salts) and also the 'micro'-nutrients (vitamins, trace elements).  This publication looks at 14 vitamins.

Chi tiết Ấn phẩm

  • Nhà Xuất Bản: F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Vitamins and Chemicals Department
  • Dewey Decimal: 612.399
  • Thư viện ECHO: 612.339 ROC
