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At the center of our work is ECHO Development Notes (EDN), which we send quarterly to thousands of people in over 160 countries in three languages (English, French, and Spanish). In EDN we share the most helpful, practical information that we come across about growing food under difficult circumstances. 

Within each issue you'll find featured techniques, practices, information and experience to help guide your work in tropical and subtropical agricultural development. Also in EDN are "Echoes from Our Network," "From ECHO's Seed Bank," and more. Issues #1-51 were compiled in the 1990s into the Amaranth to Zai Holes book, which  or you may read it online here. Also, Agricultural Options for Small Scale Farmers, expanded on the foundation from Amaranth to Zai Holes by covering EDN 52 through 100, with articles from outside contributors. Agricultural Options for Small Scale Farmers is available for purchase from the ECHO Bookstore and Amazon.

If you would like to browse EDNs via our Index, please click here.

177 Các Số trong Ấn phẩm này (Hiển thị vấn đề 7 - 1)

EDN Issue #7 - 19-02-1984

Egusi Seeds Are High In Oil And Protein

Suggestions For Purchase Of Citrus Seeds

I Want To Plant Leucaena, But Which Type Should I Chose?

How Concerned Should I Be That Lead May Contaminate Urban Gardens?

More On Techniques For Growing Deciduous Fruits In Warmer Climates: Grapes

Update On Rooftop Gardens

How Do The Africans Handle African Bees?

Passion Fruit Project Is Especially Successful In Puerto Rico

Consider The Neem Tree For Reforestation And An Effective Insecticide

Toxic Plants Consumed By Goats Can Affect Humans Who Drink Their Milk

EDN Issue #6 - 19-10-1983

Pachyrhizus Erosus Tubers Might Be An Excellent Cash Crop For You To Consider

Treating And Storing Seed

A Method For Measuring The Viability Of Your Seeds

Roof Top Gardens For Urban Areas

EDN Issue #1 - 19-12-1981

The primary focus of E.D. Notes, as well as of ECHO, is on items (1) for direct use or consumption on the subsistence farm and (2) with potential as a cash crop or small business for those with few resources. We trust that they will

  • Offer you new ideas, information and opportunities
  • Inform you of what your colleagues are doing in other parts of the world.
  • Suggest ways from time to time in which you can collaborate with us in selected experiments.
  • Share the results of your experimentation with others.

Introduction To The Echo Development Notes 

Apples In Warm Climates?

Tropical Fruit In General

Sorghum For Fuel

Strawberries As A Cash Crop In The Tropics?

Potato Seed

African Bee Hive  [editor - and Moringa]

Can Cooking Fuel Be Made From Low-Grade Biomass By Appropriate Technology?

Garlic And Onion As Cash Crops?

New Method For Terracing