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Edible: Leaves, Plant, Herb, Flowers, Vegetable, Bulb, Spice

An onion family plant. A bulb plant but the bulb is indistinct. It grows to 60 cm high and 20 cm wide. The roots are side roots and fibrous. They grow in large clumps. The leaves are rounded in cross section and hollow. They grow to 15-30 cm long by 5-20 mm wide. The bulbs are very small and 4-8 cm long but only 5-25 mm across. The plant produces many side buds which develop as offshoots. Flowers grow on a stalk which comes from underground and there are many flowers on stalks around one head. This hollow stalk is 40-80 cm long. The flowers are yellow and they open from the top of the flower head downwards. There can sometimes be bulbils on the flower head.

A temperate plant. It prefers a sunny position and a light well drained soil. It prefers a pH in the range 6.5 to 7.5, but it tolerates a pH in the range 4.9 to 7.5. A hardy plant which produces leaves throughout the winter. They are also tolerant of high temperatures and can grow in the tropics. Plants yield better when grown above 1,000 m in the tropics. In PNG it has been recorded from sea level to 2,800 m above sea level. Temperatures above 25°C give less production. It suits hardiness zones 5-9. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Japanese bunching onion, Spring onion,  Atasuki, Bawang daun, Bawang bakung, Bawang oncang, Bola, Bola di nseki, Buyah, Cebolinha, Ceboule, Chang fa, Chibol, Ch'lakhvi, Ciboule, Cong, Da cong, Daun bawang, Hanh la, Hari piaz, Hom-chin, Hom-ton, Japanese leek, Lunu kolle, Multiplier onion, Ndembi, Negi, Niasibola, Oriental bunching onion, Pa, Quing cong, Scallion, Sibuyas na mura, Stony leek, Tai tsung, Te anian, Ton hom, Ts'ung fa, Welsh onion, Zimska čebula


Allium bakeri Hoop. non Regel;
Allium bouddhae O. Debeaux;