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28 đề mục được tìm thấy ( Hiển thị 1 - 10)
  1. David R. Werner This book has information and ideas for all who are concerned about the well-being of disabled children. It is especially for those who live in rural areas where resources are limited. Over 4,000 line drawings & 200 photos help make the information clear even to those with little formal...
    305.908 WER
  2. Jeffrey D. Sachs A respected international economic advisor and the director of The Earth Institute shares a wide-spectrum theory about how to enable economic success throughout the world, identifying the different categories into which various nations fall in today's economy while posing solutions to top...
    339.4 SAC
  3. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  4. Thomas Fairhurst A question that we get asked at ECHO is “Are you an organic farm?” And the answer is “No. Because of our unique soils, climate and objectives, we do use herbicides, insecticides and mineral fertilizer as needed. At the same time, we aim to minimize our use of and reliance on expensive inputs.”...
    333.761 ASH
  5. Keith Mikkelson This book is an important work for tropical agriculture. There are very few resources that are truly "organic" and practical for the everyday farmer in the tropical setting. This book covers material that is extremely useful for the day-to-day operation of a farm or garden. It contains planning...
    630. MIK | SC.027
  6. Rima Mekdaschi Studer and Hanspeter Liniger This publicationon “Water Harvesting – Guidelines to Good Practice”was mandated by IFAD, prepared by WOCAT in collaboration with MetaMeta and RAIN and funded by SDC and IFAD. Find out more about theproject "Water Harvesting". Water security is a prerequisite to achieve food security. Water...
    628.13 CDE
  7. Dr Delia Grace Foodborne disease matters for development. It is a major public health problem. It presents a barrier to countries that wish to export and to smallholder farmers who wish to sell produce in high value domestic markets. It is also a major concern of consumers. Most of the known health burden of...
  8. Johan van 't Klooster and Arie Wingelaar Smallholder pig rearing is becoming a resurgent interest area for both farmers and farmer advisers. With its helpful, practical and up-to-date advice on breeding, nutrition, housing and the management and economics of pig farming, this booklet provides you with all the information you need to...
    636.408 AGR FRENCH
  9. Rima Mekdaschi Studer et Hanspeter Liniger (Centre pour le dévelopement et l’environnement, CDE) Ces directives donnent une vue d’ensemble des bonnes pratiques éprouvées de collecte de l’eau dans le monde entier. Celles-ci constituent un guide de référence pratique tout en offrant un support et une expertise technique spécifique pour l’intégration des technologies de collecte de l’eau dans...
  10. N.K.Rao et al Seeds conserved in genebanks are a vital and irreplaceable resource for safeguarding future agricultural options. The capacity of genebank staff to apply good standards for seed handling is hence of critical importance. This is the standard reference for genebank work and one of the few sources...
    631.52 RAO