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57 đề mục được tìm thấy ( Hiển thị 1 - 10)
  1. Harry van den Burg 2 Copies Seed production and the maintenance of crop cultivars by small farmers is a subject that has attracted increasing attention over the past decade. The increasing dominance of large multinationals in the seed trade, the controversy over genetic engineering, and the recognition of farmersí...
    631.521 AGR
  2. Edited by C. Johansen K. K. Lee K. L. Sahrawat Phosphorus deficiency is a major constraint to legume production in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in acid soils. Responses of chickpea and pigeonpea to phosphorus in South Asia on predominantly neutral to alkaline soils, however, have been less than expected even when standard...
  3. Ronnie Vernooy et al Despite 25 years of history and the rapid growth in number, organizational diversity and geographical coverage of community seed banks, recognition of their roles and contributions has remained scanty. This book reviews their history, evolution, experiences, successes and failures, challenges and...
    631.521 VER
  4. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) 154 pp. : ill. This is the second module in a series of traning materials fo rthe implementation of the International Treay on PlantGenetic Resouces for Food and Agriculture. see also https://www.fao.org/3/i2631e/i2631e.pdf [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] “Conservation and Sustainable...
    576.52 FAO
  5. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  6. Agency for International Development & Samuel C. Litzenberger In the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, food grains make up the bulk of the diet for most people. Food grains together with fiber and specialty crops are also principal cash producers. It is with these commodities that this Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and Subtropics concerns...
    633.009 LIT
  7. Franklin W. Martin, Ruth M. Ruberte, Laura S. Meitzner Third Edition [library also has 2 copies of the 1975edition] People interested in tropical gardening or botany will find this an indispensable guide to several hundred species of plants with edible leaves. Leaves can provide high-quality food, and in the tropics, many are from perennials...
    581.632 MAR | PD.004, PD.015
  8. Carl Lindblad & Laurel Druben This Peace Corps book provides information on the challenges of grain storage including drying methods, insects, rodents, moisture meters, and waterproofing. No page numbers, illustrated 2 copies
    633.104 LIN | FA.012
  9. Toby Hemenway Second Edition The first edition of Gaia's Garden, sparked the imagination of Americas home gardeners, introducing permacultures central message: Working with Nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition...
    635.048 HEM