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4 items found ( Showing 1 - 4)
  1. C.C. de Guzman and J.S. Siemonsma (Editors) Prosea volume 13 'Spices' focuses on the aromatic plants and their parts, fresh or dried, whole or ground, that are primarily used to impart flavour and fragrance to foods and drinks. The volume is closely related to Prosea volume 19 'Essential-oil plants' that deals with aromatic plants whose...
  2. Keith Mikkelson This book is an important work for tropical agriculture. There are very few resources that are truly "organic" and practical for the everyday farmer in the tropical setting. This book covers material that is extremely useful for the day-to-day operation of a farm or garden. It contains planning...
    630. MIK | SC.027
  3. M.S.M. Sosef, L.T. Hong and S. Prawirohatmodjo (Editors) Efforts to protect, conserve and sustainably use tropical forests are gaining support worldwide. They include improved management of natural forests, the establishment of timber plantations, the planting of trees in agroforestry systems, and the promotion of the use of non-timber forest products...
  4. Martin, Franklin W., Carl W. Cannpbell, Ruth M. Puberté. Agriculture Handbook No. 642, 252 p., illus. The edible fruits of the Tropics are nnany in number, varied in form, and irregular in distribution. They can be categorized as major or minor. Only about 300 Tropical fruits can be considered great. These are outstanding in one or more of the...

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