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22 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Jeffrey D. Sachs A respected international economic advisor and the director of The Earth Institute shares a wide-spectrum theory about how to enable economic success throughout the world, identifying the different categories into which various nations fall in today's economy while posing solutions to top...
    339.4 SAC
  2. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  3. Abstract, , 2013 This field-tested, six-day curriculum responds to community development managers', program planners' and behavior change officers’ need for a practical behavioral framework that strategically aids them in planning for maximum effectiveness. This curriculum, originally adapted...
  4. Vernooy, R.; Bessette, G.; Otieno, G. (eds.) The Resilient Seed Systems Handbook Second Edition, developed by a multidisciplinary team of Bioversity International researchers and research partners, is a tool that supports research and capacity building on resilient seed systems in the context of adaptation to climate change. The first...
  5. B.M. Prasanna | Joseph E. Huesing Regina Eddy | Virginia M. Peschke This FAW IPM Guide is designed for use by professionals in plant protection organizations, extension agencies, research institutions, and Governments, whose primary focus is smallholder farmers and the seed systems that support them. The FAW IPM Guide is meant to provide an important foundation...
  6. Dr. Dov Pasternak Prof. Dov Pasternak working in Israel, was among the pioneers of drip irrigation. He researched irrigation with saline water and conducted domestication of arid land crops. He received a UNESCO Chair for his work on desert research. For over 10 years Prof. Pasternak worked as Principal Scientist...
  7. Edited by Danny Hunter, Teresa Borelli and Eliot Gee This book examines the challenges and impacts of poor diets and nutrition from current food systems and the potential contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services in addressing these problems.
  8. David J. Midmore et al This report summarizes the workshop discussions and recommendations, addresses key issues concerning the role of household garden programs in rural development, and identifies viable implementation strategies drawn from the experiences of the workshop participants.
    635.095 MID
  9. by Hunter, D; Monville-Oro, E.; Burgos, B.; Rogel, C.N.; Calub, B.; Gonsalves, J. and Lauridsen, N. (eds.) This book critically assesses the role of agrobiodiversity in school gardens and its contribution to diversifying diets, promoting healthy eating habits and improving nutrition among schoolchildren as well as other benefits relating to climate change adaptation, ecoliteracy and greening school...
  10. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) 154 pp. : ill. This is the second module in a series of traning materials fo rthe implementation of the International Treay on PlantGenetic Resouces for Food and Agriculture. see also [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] “Conservation and Sustainable...
    576.52 FAO